“My own daughter, a murderess,” Aunt Georgiana said, sniffling. “I’m so sorry, Selina.”

Selina took her aunt’s hand. It was damp, warm. “Now, Aunt. Have you eaten?”

“I cannot.”

“Let me take care of you,” Selina said gently. “Where’s Uncle Latimer?”

“In his study,” Aunt Georgiana said. “He’s not come out.”

“You need some light,” Selina said, going to the curtains and opening them. She opened the window to let in some fresh air. She then rang the bell, ordering tea to be sent up.

She went back to her aunt, who blinked in the sudden light. Selina took her hand in her own.

“Leah’s made her choice, Aunt,” she said. “You’ll have to make a choice, too.”

“You’re not angry with us, Selina?”

“No, not even a little.”

“Are—are you to marry the Duke of Gillingham?” she asked.

“I believe so, Aunt.”

“You—you love him, then?”

“Very much.”

“Good,” Aunt Georgiana said, nodding. “Good.”

* * *

Jasper was out in the stables, enjoying a few moments of peace among the horses. It was dark and quiet in there. He peered into Aphrodite’s stall. The mare was calmly munching on some oats.

He heard footsteps coming down the hall. When he turned, he saw Lord Windermere, walking his way.

“Your Grace,” Lord Windermere said. It was clear—he’d come to find Jasper, specifically.

“My Lord,” Jasper greeted him.

“That’s a fine mare,” he commented.

“I bought her for your sister,” Jasper replied.

“So she mentioned,” Windermere murmured. “I’ve just received a letter from my father. He says that you’ve asked his permission to marry Selina?”

“Yes,” Jasper replied.

“My father wrote me a letter a week ago,” Windermere said. “Asking what I thought of you. I have to admit, at first, I didn’t much like you. I apologize for that.”

“Quite all right, My Lord.”

“No one would have been good enough for my sister, in my opinion. However, she loves you. I trust her judgement.”

“Thank you, My Lord.”

“Of course, Your Grace.” It was an odd apology—but he knew that Lord Windermere meant well. Compared to his sister, Lord Windermere was a stick in the mud.

“Well, look at the two of you,” Selina said, as she entered the stables.