* * *

“Stephen!” Jasper exclaimed, rushing over to kneel down beside his friend. “Here, let me bind it. We need to get you to a physician.”

Selina tore a strip from her petticoat, handing it to Jasper. He bound up Stephen’s arm, and then Jasper and Lord Windermere got him up and on to his horse.

They all rode back in the direction of Gillingham Manor. The lawmen took Leah and Reuben with them, on the way toward Bridesdale.

“I’ll go and fetch a physician,” Lord Windermere offered, riding off toward the village with the lawmen.

Their arrival at Gillingham Manor was chaotic. Grooms ran from the stables, Sotheby came out of the house, and a large group surrounded Stephen, helping him down from the horse.

Sotheby directed the grooms who were assisting Stephen into one of the bedrooms.

Jasper handed Pilot to one of the stable boys, then followed, Selina gripping his hand. The Dowager Duchess was near the doorway, pale as a sheet.

“Jasper? Lady Selina? What’s happened?” she asked.

“Stephen’s been shot,” Jasper explained as the three of them walked up the stairs.

“By whom?” Her Grace asked.

Jasper felt pained. He stopped, taking his mother’s hands in his own. “Reuben,” he said, watching her eyes widen. “Reuben was behind all of it. He and Lady Leah have been taken into custody.”

Her Grace placed her hand on her chest. “I—I don’t—”

She seemed like she was about to faint. Luckily, Selina stepped in, taking his mother gently by the arm.

“Come, Your Grace,” she said. “Let’s go and sit in the parlor, and I can answer all of the questions that you have.”

Her Grace nodded, her eyes sparkling with tears. Selina smiled at Jasper. “You go and see to Lord Sandbourne.”

“Thank you,” he mouthed.

Jasper turned to find where Sotheby had stowed Stephen. When he arrived in the room, his friend was lying in a bed. Sotheby was putting pressure on the wound, to staunch the bleeding. Stephen’s boots had been removed. He was bearing it all stoically.

“Do you need anything, Stephen?” Jasper asked.

He smiled, his eyes screwed up in pain. “I expect I’ll just need a bit of patching up,” he said, wincing.

“Stephen, I’m so sorry,” Jasper said. “I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t think either one of us saw this happening,” Stephen pointed out, with a bit of a hysterical laugh.

“No,” Jasper agreed, worried that Stephen was going into shock. “I had no idea that I was looking for my own brother.”

“I’m just glad it’s not both of us,” Stephen said, reaching out to pat Jasper’s hand. His lips were frighteningly pale. He closed his eyes and lay back. The physician arrived, and he shooed Jasper out and into the hallway, where Lord Windermere stood.

“I’m going to get a party to go over to Reuben’s lodge,” Jasper said. “I have a feeling that we’re going to find everything that’s been stolen there. But we have to hurry before those two get it all.”

“I’ll come with you,” Windermere said.

“I appreciate it,” Jasper replied.

“Well, you’re about to become family,” Windermere replied. “It’s the least I can do.”

* * *

Selina had gotten the Dowager Duchess into the parlor. She’d gotten her settled on the settee, then rang for tea and brandy to be brought. The Dowager Duchess was in tears. Selina sat beside her.