“You cannot risk your life like that,” she said.

“I must,” he replied, kneeling in front of her, and taking her hands in his. “I must do this, to put an end to all of this.”

A stray tear fell from Selina’s eye, and she looked away from him. He kissed her hand, then got up, looking at everyone who was gathered.

“I’ll write her a letter, immediately,” he said. “You all eat. Be ready to go.”

* * *

The letter was written, quickly, then sent off to Kirby Hall. The gentlemen all decided their plans forthwith. Selina sat, listening, and making her own plans.

“I’ll remain here with my sister,” Thomas offered. He glanced over at her meaningfully, and she knew—he would ride with her to Bridesdale to get men of the law. She nodded to him gratefully.

She would have Aphrodite saddled, and she would find out how quickly the mare could go.

Finally, Jasper turned toward her. Their eyes met. She stood, taking his hands in hers. She was terrified of losing him. Especially now, when they could finally be together.

“If you die,” she stated firmly, “it will kill me, too.”

He held her hands, his eyes looking into hers. “Then I won’t die,” he told her. Even though they were not alone, he pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him back, worried that it would be the last time she saw him alive.

“I love you,” he said, his hand on her cheek. She tilted her head, leaning into his touch even more.

“I love you, too.”

He gave her one last, lingering look. She hated how she felt like he was remembering her. As if he thought he was going to die. He sighed, then waved for the others to follow him.

Jasper, Lord Munro, and Lord Sandbourne walked out. She and Thomas peered out through the window, watching as they all climbed up and into their saddles.

They rode off, heading for the decided meeting spot.

“I take it we’re riding for Bridesdale?” Thomas asked.

“Yes,” Selina replied. “We’re going to get more firepower.”

“Very good,” Thomas said. “We’d best get going, then. We don’t want to show up too late.”

“I’ll have some horses brought around for the two of you,” Sotheby said from the doorway.

“Thank you, Sotheby,” she said.

“Anything to help, My Lady,” the butler assured her.