“Third time pays for all, My Lady,” he replied.

Who was that?

As soon as she dared, she peered up and over the hedge. He was tall, with dark hair, but he was looking away, out over the fields of Kirby Hall, Leah clutching his arm.

He turned, and Selina ducked back down, without seeing his face. Selina closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. It was most important that she wasn’t seen. She needed to get word to Jasper.

Remaining bent over, Selina began to run, keeping the hedges in between her and the other two. As soon as she was out of sight of the rest of the garden, she picked up her skirts, running as fast as she could, toward Kirby Hall.

It was now a matter of life or death. She needed to tell Jasper, immediately, what she’d heard.

When she arrived at the house, she found Mr. Wickes.

“I’m going to need the carriage brought around,” she said, breathing heavily. “I’m heading up to get my brother, to accompany me.”

He looked at her queerly but nodded. “Very good, My Lady.” Mr. Wickes moved off. Selina went to fetch her brother.

* * *

The gentlemen of Gillingham Manor had just sat down for their luncheon when some unexpected guests were announced. Sotheby opened the door.

“Lord Windermere and Lady Selina,” he announced. All three of them stood up as Selina and her brother entered. Selina was pale, her eyes wide. Immediately, Jasper knew something had happened.

“Selina? What’s wrong?” Jasper asked, walking to her.

She placed her hand on Jasper’s arm. She was breathing heavily, as though she had run all the way from Kirby Hall. “I was just in the garden at Kirby Hall,” she said, speaking quickly. “I overheard Leah talking to someone, that she had arranged for your death and that he’s failed her twice now.”

Jasper’s mouth dropped open in surprise. He believed her—Selina would never lie to him. He would have never expected this to be the case.

Lady Leah! Conspiring to have me killed?

“Could you tell who it was that she was speaking to?” Reuben asked.

Selina shook her head. “No, I couldn’t. He was speaking in a low voice. It was almost hard to make out what he said.”

“Come, sit, My Lady. You look pale,” Jasper said, pulling out a chair for her at the table. She sank down into it, breathing a sigh of relief.

Sotheby, who had stayed, poured her a glass of bourbon. “Here, My Lady,” he said. “It’ll do you some good.” She sipped it, wincing at the taste as she set it down again.

“What are we going to do?” she asked. The four gentlemen all looked at each other. It was clear that they were all still in shock at the news.

“How do we prove that a well-bred lady has conspired to murder someone?” Stephen wondered aloud. It sounded like a fanciful bit of fiction from the imaginative writer Mrs. Radcliffe.

“We’ll have to catch her at it,” Reuben replied. “She might be the weak link that leads us to them at last. Good listening, My Lady.”

“It was hard not to overhear,” Selina admitted. “I was sitting quietly, reading a letter from my mother.”

“You’re lucky they didn’t see you,” Lord Windermere said gravely. “You could have been killed, yourself.” The thought of it sent a frisson of panic through Jasper.

“I was tucked away,” she replied. “As soon as I heard them, I just tucked myself away a little more.”

They were all silent; every one of them lost in thought as they tried to come up with a feasible plan. Jasper knew that it would have to be his move. He’d have to get Lady Leah out. Get her to lead her helpers into the open. Jasper was sure that they would make a mistake, revealing themselves.

“I’ll have her meet me,” Jasper said. “I’ll tell her that I need to speak with her. That I’ve had a change of heart.” The other gentlemen were all nodding.

“No,” Selina said flatly. They all turned to her.

“No?” Jasper’s brows were raised in shock.