He laced his fingers in with hers. “It’ll all be over, soon, I promise.”

“I know. I have faith in you.”

He beamed down at her. That she trusted he was able to do it meant everything. He himself wasn’t so sure.

* * *

Just seeing him made everything better. He looked entirely uninjured. Not even a scratch—that she could see.

She could feel her brother, Lord Sandbourne, and Lord Munro watching from over by the tree. They all gathered underneath it.

Jasper followed her gaze. “We should go talk to them,” he said.

She held Jasper’s hand—so warm and real in her own. It was like a blessing, to have him whole and solid beside her.

“What’s our plan?” Thomas demanded.

“If the two of you need to leave Kirby Hall, then you can come to Gillingham Manor,” Jasper said.

“Out of the question,” Thomas said. “The impropriety of it.”

“Uncle Latimer says that we’re not to leave Kirby Hall until things are settled,” Selina said flatly.

“I’m going to come to speak to Lady Leah on the morrow. This business needs to come to an end,” Jasper said raggedly.

Selina glanced over at him. The combination of Leah’s not letting go, coupled with the attack earlier in the day was wearing on him, and it was beginning to show. He had dark circles, pressed underneath his eyes.

“Whatever you decide to do, I’ll follow suit,” Selina promised.

“You can make no such promise,” Thomas said.

“I will and I am,” she replied, her obstinacy about to brook no debate with her brother. The two siblings stared at each other. Finally, Thomas rolled his eyes, sighing heavily.

“Fine,” he snapped, folding his arms. “If Father’s angry about it, then you’ll be the one to answer for it.”

“Of course,” Selina replied evenly. She was glad that he was finally letting her choose what happened. She turned to Jasper. “As soon as Uncle Latimer releases us, we’ll come.”

He nodded, smiling. Jasper spoke to Thomas. “I’ll have everything settled, I promise,” he said.

Thomas looked doubtful.

* * *

Leah was in her room when she received another letter from her Gentleman. It was delivered by Mr. Wickes.

She waited until the butler was gone, and then she tore it open, her eyes devouring the precious message.

My Lady,

The Duke will come to speak to you on the morrow. You are to arrange it so that you are both in the gardens. Take him to where we met, and then we will take it from there.


She threw the letter on the fire, watching the paper curl up and turn to ash. Now, she was going to be an active participant. Obviously, he needed her to play a part.

It would not fail with her assistance. She would make sure of it. She walked over toward her dressing table, sitting down, and looking at herself in the mirror.

When did I become so pale and bitter?

She looked the same as she had, before all of this began. She was still the same dark-haired beauty who had been engaged to the Duke.

Something dark had taken root within her. An inner strength and fortitude that she had never known existed inside of her. She was stronger than anyone had ever expected. She smiled to herself.