
“No. I almost lost him today,” Selina snapped. “I’m going to meet him.”

Thomas nodded. “Very well, then. Let’s be on our way.”

* * *

Leah had waited. It was unbearable, sitting and chatting pleasantly with her parents and Cousin Thomas when she was waiting for news of the Duke’s untimely demise. She’d waited all morning.

The stress of it had made her stomach turn. She’d finally excused herself to go and be alone in her room, where she wouldn’t have to dissemble any longer.

She was seated on her window seat, and she saw the moment when Lord Sandbourne, accompanied by a group of red-coated soldiers from the regiment, arrived at Kirby Hall.

It was only a few moments before her mother came in, and Leah stood up, her pulse thundering in her ears. Her mother looked devastated, as though something bad had happened.

“Something’s happened?” Leah asked.

“I’m afraid it has, my dear,” she said, holding out a letter to her. Leah frowned when she saw that it was the Duke’s seal and hand.

She broke the seal and unfolded it, shock and rage filling her the more that she read.

Dear Lady Leah,

I apologize for not coming today to speak with you. I was on my way over, when I was accosted by two masked men who threatened to kill me. Unfortunately, I will be unable to come to speak with you today.

It’s my greatest shame that I will be unable to continue the engagement. I know that you feel that it is something that you wish for. For this, I am truly sorry. I will come and we will talk at length. However, I hope that you will find it in your heart to let me go—without having your father duel me. There’s no reason for him to risk his life. Not when I am doing this for the best. You deserve a husband who loves you. You deserve love.

I hope that this helps you to soften your heart. Please, please don’t be angry with your cousin. Everything that she did was in the name of love, and—

Without finishing it, Leah crumpled the letter up and threw it onto the fire without finishing. She watched it burn.

“Leah?” her mother asked. Leah turned to see that she had never left. She looked surprised.

Now, the tears fell, unbidden. They were real, hot, and flowing down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Mother. I’m just so frightened.”

“Come here, Sweetling,” her mother said, holding open her arms. Leah went to her mother, letting herself be comforted. She sobbed.

She couldn’t believe that she had to wait—to suffer through a thousand indignities. She would get her revenge. He had promised her, then sealed that promise with a kiss. He wouldn’t fail her a second time.

* * *

Jasper and Reuben walked to the meeting place, together. The Colonel and his regiment were out in full force, looking for any sign of the individuals who had perpetrated such violence.

As they neared, he saw that Selina was walking toward them—she was in the company of her brother, her lady’s maid, and Stephen.

As soon as she saw him, she broke into a run. He met her halfway. She threw her arms around him, and he held her close. Her head tucked perfectly underneath his chin as he wrapped his arms around her slim figure. She was dressed in a pale-green muslin dress.

“I thought—I thought that something horrible had happened to you,” she said, turning her face up to him. Tears were spilling from her beautiful eyes. He wiped them away with his thumbs.

“I’m sorry that you were allowed to fear,” he said.

“Did you get a good look at them?” she asked.

“I did, but they were masked,” he explained. “There was nothing discerning visible.”

She nodded, frowning. “I’ll keep my eyes open for anyone suspicious.”

“I know you will, brave lady,” he said. She smiled at him, her eyes lighting up. He wanted to remember her, this way, loving him as much as he loved her.