Jasper thought back, over his life. “It started only just this spring,” he mused. As he thought, he couldn’t think of a single person he’d wronged. Not until recently. Lady Leah wouldn’t do such a thing. And Stephen had forgiven him.

* * *

Selina joined her Aunt and Uncle in the drawing-room, in the hopes that she had perhaps been forgiven, if only just a little bit. Thomas sat over by the window, reading a paper.

She crossed over to where Aunt Georgiana and Uncle Latimer were sitting, talking in low voices.

She curtsied. “Good morning, Aunt and Uncle.”

“Good morning, Selina,” Uncle Latimer said, smiling. Selina sat, relieved.

“The Duke was supposed to come and talk with Leah,” Aunt Georgiana told her. “He’s not shown up.”

“That’s unlike him,” Uncle Latimer said, frowning. “But he’s been doing quite a lot of things that aren’t like his usual self.”

Selina’s face felt hot as she blushed a deep shade of crimson. Nothing was forgiven, of course.

“Who’s to know what a gentleman is truly like,” Thomas mused, from across the room. “It’s only when the chips are down that a gentleman shows his worth.”

The door to the parlor opened. “Lord Sandbourne,” Mr. Wickes announced.

“My dear Lord Sandbourne,” Aunt Georgiana said. “What brings you here?”

“I’ve come in my friend’s stead,” he explained. “The Duke sends his regards and apologies. He was unable to come today, because on his way here, he was stopped and accosted by two masked men, who threatened to kill him.”

Horror, like a finger of ice on her spine, caused Selina to gasp.

“Is—is he all right?” she blurted out.

Lord Sandbourne smiled at her kindly. “Yes, My Lady,” he assured her. “He’s speaking with Colonel Fitz, as well as the Constable from Bridesdale. They’re trying to discern what to do next.” He pulled a letter from his pocket. “I was to deliver this for the Lady Leah.”

“I will take it to her, immediately,” Aunt Georgiana said, accepting it from Lord Sandbourne.

“I should inform the staff,” Uncle Latimer said. “I’ll need them to be on the lookout. Particularly if they’re targeting my daughter’s fiancé.”

“Of course, My Lord,” Lord Sandbourne said.

Once Aunt Georgiana and Uncle Latimer were gone, Lord Sandbourne pulled another letter from his pocket.

“I was told to give this to you,” he said.

Selina let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. And he’s unhurt?”

“Just a little shaken,” Lord Sandbourne assured her. “There’s not even a scratch on him.”

Thomas stood up, walking over to them. “So, he means to move forward?”

“Of course he does,” Lord Sandbourne said. “He loves Lady Selina.”

Selina was reading the note. “He wants me to meet him today?”

“Yes. It would be safe—I will be nearby, as well as Lord Munro and Lord Windermere.”

“He didn’t fulfill my one request,” Thomas pointed out.

“Unfortunately, he was not able,” Lord Sandbourne said.

“I’m going to see him, Thomas,” Selina said. “You can either come or stay. It’s entirely up to you.”