Leah sat in the parlor, with her Mother. Her embroidery hoop lay, untouched, on her side table. She was too nervous to work. She hadn’t eaten more than a few bites of toast at breakfast. She drummed her fingers nervously on the chair’s arm.

“Darling, you look pale,” her mother said, looking up from her own embroidery.

“I’m fine, Mother,” she insisted.

“The Duke should be here, any moment,” her mother said. “Are you worried?” They’d received word that he planned to call on Leah just that morning. She knew that her own special gentleman planned to follow the Duke closely.

“He’ll stick to what he’s promised,” she replied. “He’s an honorable gentleman.”

“Leah,” her mother said, setting aside her embroidery. “Wouldn’t you rather have a husband who loves you, and not your cousin?”

“You don’t need love to make a marriage work.” Leah glared at her mother.


“Honestly, Mother, it seems as though you’re on Selina’s side,” Leah snapped. “She’s the one who urged him to be unfaithful to me.”

Her mother nodded, lowering her eyes. “I’m on your side, sweetheart. I’m always on your side.”

Her mother was then silent. Maria was seated a few feet away, thankfully quiet.

Leah stood, then walked to the window.