“It appears my hand is forced,” he mused.

“You need to act and soon,” his mother said. “She knows more than she’s letting on.”

“I promised Lord Windermere that I would wait until the end of the week, so he and Lady Selina could leave before word gets out.”

His mother shook her head. “I don’t think that’s right. You owe it to Lady Leah to tell her the truth and to let her out of the engagement.”

“She’s right,” Stephen said. “It’s the honorable thing to do.”

Jasper sighed, glancing at the two of them. “Yes. Yes, it is.”

* * *

Leah stared out of the carriage window, watching as the familiar sights of the road between Gillingham Manor and Kirby Hall passed them by. Maria was silent, across from her. Tears began to flow, down Leah’s cheeks. Maria silently passed her a handkerchief.

“Thank you, Maria. Sometimes, I think you’re the only person who cares for me,” she sobbed, “and you’re being paid for it.”

“Now, My Lady,” Maria said. “That simply isn’t true. You’re loved and cherished by so many.”

“Do you see any of them here, fighting for my marriage?” she demanded, her voice high and quavery. “What am I to do?”

“My Lady, if I may be so bold—”

“Say it, Maria,” she demanded.

“Of anyone in the household, Mr. Wickes sees and hears everything,” Maria said, raising her eyebrows significantly. “I think you should ask him what he’s seen, and perhaps, what he’s heard.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s been talking, My Lady,” Maria said. “While we’re all eating our meals. He says that Lady Selina gets secret messages from an admirer before she runs out of the house. Sometimes with her lady’s maid, but sometimes unaccompanied by any chaperone at all.”

Leah stared at Maria, eyes wide. Her blood ran cold as she considered who it could be that Selina would be meeting. She hoped that it was Lord Sandbourne or Lord Munro, but it could be the Duke.

* * *

Thomas was just finishing his letter. He sprinkled sand on it, to dry the ink. He then turned toward Selina, who looked up from her book.

“I can’t wait to be at home again,” Selina said, trying to discern what it was that was particularly bothering her.

“It won’t be your home for much longer if you’re to be wed,” Thomas replied.

“How sad,” she mused, noting that ‘if’ with suspicion. “You’ll let me come to Staunton, any time that I wish, won’t you?”

“Of course,” he said. “I would miss you, otherwise.”

“You won’t come and visit me when I’m married?” she asked.

“I will,” he stated. “It just won’t be the same.”

“And why not?” She was watching him closely. His face was studiously guarded.

“Because,” he replied, “you’ll have to bend to the will of your husband. He’ll be your Lord and Master. You’ll have to adjust.” He shrugged.

“Be serious.” There was no way—Jasper treated her with respect, for her intellect, in particular. She was well aware of it. It was one of the best things about him.

“I am. Do you honestly think that your Duke is anything like Father? He was ready to order even me to do his bidding.”

“You don’t like him,” Selina said, at the very moment that she realized it. “You don’t like him at all.”