Callum: Shits about to get real awkward over here if I’m walking around with a hard on.
Reese:*smiling purple devil emoji*
Callum: I want you in my bed with nothing on but those heels when I get home.
My insides start to heat and I smile at my phone.
Reese: Yes sir.*red heart*
Feeling a little parched after picturing the scene Callum just painted inside of my head, I walk over to the giant bar to get another drink. Although recently I've been doing a lot of social drinking, that really is the only time I drink, and every time my goal isn't to get drunk. I have a few drinks, literally just a few, and then I'm done for the night. I usually nurse my drinks so two or three last me all night. Finding Logan at the bar, I walk over to wait next to him. Ever since Logan and Sophie first started dating he has always been good friends with all of the rest of us. Luckily Sophie and Logan stayed really good friends after they broke up, so he still hangs around us and we all act like nothing has changed because, in a friendship way, nothing has. It’s kind of sad watching them together though, seeing how much they both want to be together, but not being in the right space to do so. They both agreed that when they were both ready they would try again, Sophie just hasn't completely forgiven him yet. When they started dating he didn't know what he wanted and he hurt her; I know he regrets it, it's written all over his face when he’s with her.
Logan slings his arm over my shoulder, with his eyes slightly closed as he sways and leans into me. “I missed you guys, Reesey.”What did he just call me?
My spine stiffens and my heartbeat picks up. Reesey was what my stalker called me in the notes he left. My breathing comes in short spurts and I turn my head to look up at him. “What did you call me?”
He chuckles. “Uh. Reeses. Like Reese’s Pieces the candy duh,” he slurs and I have to admit, with the slurring in his speech it did sound like he saidReesey Piecey. I'm losing my damn mind over this stalker.
I laugh, though it's mostly at my freakout and less at his new nickname for me, and Logan laughs too like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever said. I flag down the bartender and order another drink for me and water for Logan. Rolling his eyes he takes the water and we both walk back to the table.
When we reach the table, Wyatt walks over and leans down to talk into my ear. “Mase has been gone awhile, I'm going out front to check on him. Don’t leave this table for anything, please.” I nod in agreement and I watch him walk towards the front door.
A commotion breaks out a few tables over, causing all of us to look over, and then some guy brushes past us, pushing me into Allie and almost knocking us over. Allie yells at his retreating back and I roll my eyes. During the collision, I spilled half of my drink onto my leg and the floor. I grab a couple of napkins from the center of the table and wipe my leg.
Allie looks at my now half-empty cup. “Might as well finish it.”
“Yeah, why not? It’s my last one anyways.” I raise my drink to her in a salute.
Allie shakes her head. “Are you even drunk?”
“No, but you know I don't like to get like that.” I wave her off
“Yeah, yeah I know, Miss Responsible.” Allie raises hers and we finish our drinks in a gulp. I cough when I swallow mine, almost choking. The cranberry juice must be bad because it was bitter, almost salty. I listen to the conversations around me for a bit and then I see Mason and Wyatt walk back into the bar. They stay by the front doors talking to the bouncer, Wyatt catching my eye and waving to me. I start to sway on my feet and sweat. I grab an ice cube out of my empty cup and suck on it, hoping to cool down, but it only makes me feel nauseous. I lean into Allie so I can talk to her without yelling. “I don't feel good, I'm going to the bathroom.” She starts to nod, but I'm already walking away and towards the back of the bar to the bathrooms. I push past everybody, the spinning of the room making it so much harder. Thank the heavens there isn't a line to the bathroom for once. I run in and throw up into the toilet. I sit back against the wall of the stall and rest my head in my hands, my eyelids are so heavy and I just want to fall asleep on this dirty bathroom floor. I hear an unfamiliar voice.
“Reese, are you okay?” It’s a guy's voice, why is a guy in the girl’s bathroom? Please tell me I'm not in the guy’s restroom.
“I’m really sleepy and I don't feel good.” I keep my eyes closed, fighting unconsciousness.
“I'll take you home.” I hear the stall door open and he lifts me from under my arms and slings my arm over his shoulder, wrapping his arm around my waist. I don't open my eyes, they’re too heavy. I should try to fight this, but I don’t think I'd be able to, I’m sure I’m safe, they knew my name.
My legs feel heavy too, making it hard to walk, good thinking that this guy is helping me. “I want to see Callum.”
“Okay, I’ll take you to him,” he says.
“Who the fuck are you?” Another male voice booms, this one I think I recognize. Someone else is grabbing me and pulling me away from the guy from the bathroom.
“I know Reese. She said she wasn't feeling well so I was going to take her home.” That voice was my bathroom friend.
I’m shuffled around again, making my stomach roll more. “You were going to take advantage of a sick drunk girl?” The familiar voice hisses.
“What? No. I was going to drop her off at her house.” That's the guy from the bathroom, I think. “I saw her stumble past my table and wanted to help her home. You know the frat guys are always drugging girls’ drinks and taking them home.”
I feel someone touching my arm, shaking me a little. “Princess, do you know this guy?” Oh I know that voice, that’s Mason.
I smile, glad that he's back. “I don't know.” I keep my eyes closed because that just makes sense right now.
I feel his breath closer to my face this time. “Please open your eyes and tell me if you know this guy.” I can feel his presence back away. “Or I’m going to kill him for trying to leave with you.”
That gets my attention and I snap my eyes open, well I try to but they still feel really heavy. I lean my head back against the hard chest behind me to find Wyatt with his arm around my waist holding me up and Mason standing in front of me with a puffy eye and his hands wrapped around my upper arms, his knuckles bleeding. I look around him to see who the other voice was, the one who saved me from taking a nap on the bathroom floor, my eyes go wide, my blurred through only registering two things: one, I don't know who this man is, and two, this could have been really bad if Mason and Wyatt hadn't found me.