Mason chuckles, turning in his seat to face us. “Same as ever. Sucks like a vacuum and fucks like a rabbit.”
I gag and Peyton cackles again. “I did not need to know that.” Mason shrugs off my comment. “Is it serious with Jessica?”
Another scantily dressed girl brings Mason a beer and he takes a drink. “Well, she walked directly from my room into Leo’s so no I’d say it’s not serious.”
“Sounds like you didn’t please her well enough.” Peyton pops another cherry into her mouth.
Mason takes another drink while scanning the room. “I didn’t hear her complaining when her legs were spasming around my head.”
As I start to throw up in my mouth, Peyton inclines her head toward the stairs she said led up to the bedrooms. “I guess she finally had enough.” A short blonde with huge, presumably fake, boobs walks into the party tucked under the arm of one of the younger prospects, Leo.
I turn my gaze to Mason with a bored expression. “She looks nice.”
Mason chuckles again, flashing his goofy smile that's become a comfort over the past few weeks. “What can I say? I like blondes.”
I roll my eyes because of course he likes the pretty blonde with the huge boobs. “I thought you wanted to find something serious?”
Mason sighs, turning to face me. “I do, I’m just really busy with the club and I haven't found anyone worth making time for.”
“You’ll meet her when you least expect it.” I smile at him, already excited for his future. Mason is so different from the rest of the guys in the club, they’re all serious and slightly cold, but Mase is bright and warm. He’s always smiling and making jokes. I know he would bring that same kind of playful energy into his relationship; she’s going to be a lucky girl, whoever she ends up being.
Mason playfully rolls his eyes. “I didn’t know when I asked for a little sister I'd get all of this sappy girl talk.” I push Mason’s shoulder while we both laugh.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the doors open to the room that Callum had gone through a little while ago. A couple of guys shuffle out and then I see Callum and Finn walk through, his eyes scan the room until they meet mine, his gaze is so intense and my stomach erupts in butterflies. This drink must be stronger than I thought and it’s just making me queasy and hot. That’s why my heartbeat is quickening as he gets closer and I'm starting to get warm.Just keep telling yourself that, Reese.Finn looks up from his phone and looks my way as well, he raises his giant arm and starts waving it dramatically at me, a huge grin on his face. Next to him, Callum’s shoulders start shaking with laughter and he shakes his head. I subtly wave back to Finn, not able to hold back my laughter.
“Dumbass,” Mason whispers. I elbow him in the side and he laughs, picking up his beer bottle.
That distraction was enough to cool me down a little, but the butterflies are still going strong. I need a minute to get a hold of myself, I turn to Peyton. “Is there a bathroom I can use?” She looks over to the door on the other side of the pool table and grimaces.
Peyton tilts her head towards the boys still walking toward us. “Ask Callum to take you to a bathroom upstairs, they don't get used during parties and I wouldn't let you use this one, someone’s probably already came or puked in there.”Well, that's a hard no.
I laugh, although it was more of a nervous laugh than a real one becauseew, and slide off of the barstool and walk towards Callum. When I’m a few steps away from him I feel a sharp sting on my butt and a loud smack, I suck in a surprised breath, but before I can turn around to see who just slapped my ass, a huge blur passes by me. It all happens so quickly I can't get my bearings, I’m quickly spun around and I feel strong hands grasp my arms and a very solid presence behind me. Before my eyes focus, I hear the thundering sound of flesh hitting flesh. When I realize what's going on Finn is behind me holding my arms, and Callum is straddling a guy on the floor. His hand is around his throat and he’s bleeding profusely from his nose, and his eye is already starting to swell. Mason is standing above Callum looking ready to jump in if needed and there's a wide circle around us with Callum and the guy on the floor in the middle of it.
The guy on the ground holds up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t know she belonged to ya, I thought she was one of ours!” His Irish accent wheezing and strained under Callum’s hand.
“You okay, Red?” Callum squeezes harder, his eyes boring into the man’s skull.
“Yes. Come here.” My voice is breathy and just as lustful as I feel. What is wrong with me, isn't violence a red flag? This just seems to be turning me on.
“If I see you around here again I’ll break your fucking arms.” He pushes away from the guy and stands, wiping his jeans off. He turns and walks to where I stand, Finn dropping his hands from my arms. Callum cradles my face in his hands, looking deep into my eyes. “I’m here babe.” It’s a whisper, meant only for me, and I can tell he means a lot more than he’s just here physically. I know I can trust Callum, not just with my safety but maybe my heart as well. He grabs my hand and cocks his head to the door. “Let’s get out of here.”
We pullout of the clubhouse gates and start towards a little surprise I have in mind. If Reese ever thought the security at her apartment was intense, her mind would be fucking blown at the shit we have at the clubhouse. Giant privacy gates with security code access and electric volts running through them, motion detecting alarms, security cameras over every inch of the property, and alarms on every door and window; this place is a goddamn fortress.
“You hungry, Red?” I yell over the sexy rumble of my bike when we stop at a red light.
“Starving.” She leans in close to my ear, pushing her tits into my back and making me rethink the food plan altogether.
We make our way to the closed bar and grill that is Big Dawg’s, it’s Finn’s dad’s place, but he lets Finn and I have keys so we can stop in whenever we want, or to open and lock up the place for him if he can’t. Finn’s dad became like my second father whenever Finn and I started prospecting for the club and became friends. The lights are all off and the parking lot is empty, as I expected. I pull up right by the door and stop the bike, turning the engine off and waiting for Reese to hop off.
Reese puts her hands on my shoulders and presses into my back, tempting me again. “I think this place is closed, Cale.”
I hold up my keys and dangle them in front of us. “Not for us.” Laughing, Reese steps off of the bike and waits for me.
Once we’re inside with the security alarm turned off and the door locked behind us, I walk through the small bar and turn on only the bar lights. I don't want all of the lights on and people to think the place is open again. I walk to the back storage room to get all of the ingredients and leave Reese to look around the place. There isn’t a whole lot to look at, but one long wall is filled with pictures, basically just a fucking shrine to Finn and his mom. Randy, Finn’s dad, has pictures of everything Finn has ever participated in or accomplished, with Finn’s mom always at his side, both always smiling like it was the best day of their life. Finn’s high school graduation was the last picture of the two of them together, then I came along; now Randy captures every club moment with the two of us.