Page 16 of Only The Strong

He shrugs. “Mmm. I didn't mind it.” I slide out of my bed and make my way into my bathroom. I lean over the sink and splash cool water on my overheated face. No cuddling with the hot biker that’s only supposed to be a one time fling. Or four times. Five? Six? I’ve honestly lost count. “I’ll start breakfast, come join me when you’re ready!” He calls as I hear my bedroom door open.

After taking my time washing my face and brushing my hair and teeth, I walk into the kitchen and boost myself up onto the kitchen counter to watch Callum make breakfast burritos; he’s a much better cook by the way and he knows it. We laugh the entire time, poking fun at each other and talking about some of his upcoming projects.

We inhale our breakfasts silently, too starved after last night to make conversation, but after we’ve replenished ourselves I ask what I've been thinking since meeting him. “This is going to sound really cliche, but why are you single?” He laughs a deep laugh. “Shut up. I mean you run your own company, you’re hot, you have great taste in interior design, and you’re clean. Do you know how rare it is to find a man that cleans? What is it?” I pick up our plates and take them to the dishwasher.

Callum stretches back into the dining room chair, putting his arms behind his head. “The townhouse wasn't all me. When I moved in and the landlord gave me free rein of the place, a couple of the girls who work for the club came over and told me they were decorating with or without me; apparently my room at the clubhouse looked like a watered down version of a frat boy's room and they weren't going to let me ruin this place.” He laughs. “They picked everything out, but I vetoed some things and showed them pictures of things I liked.” He picks up his glass and finishes his orange juice, grabbing both of our glasses, and joins me at the dishwasher. He turns around and leans against the counter, crossing his arms. “As far as a relationship, I haven't had one since after high school, about seven years ago. I dated one girl all through high school and then she came to college up here and I stayed home and started my first carpentry job. I’d make the thirty-minute drive from Oak Creek to come see her every couple of days and we’d spend the weekends together. She started wanting to spend the weekends with her friends, which was fine ‘cause I started prospecting for the club and I was getting busier. I decided to propose.” He sighs and shakes his head. “So I planned everything out, I came up to surprise her. Her roommate let me into their dorm while she was supposed to be at the gym. She didn't even see me sitting on her bed at first, she was too busy making out with the guy.” Callum rubs his index finger across his bottom lip. “I didn’t even say anything, I just walked out. She tried to call me for weeks after, I guess her roommate told her I was waiting for her with the fucking ring, but I never talked to her again.” He pushes himself off of the counter, picking up the skillet and utensils and setting them in the dishwasher. “Well shit, that killed the fucking mood.” He laughs, but it's not his gleeful laugh, it's laced with sadness. This is the first time I've ever seen Callum anything but happy and joking since he played the piano for me in Seattle.

“My ex cheated on me too,” I say quietly, adopting the same stance he’d held a moment earlier. Hoping to maybe distract him from his memories.

“Wanna talk about it?” He leans against the counter in front of me, crossing his arms. I really don't want to talk about Noah, but how can I not when Callum bared his heart to me like he just did? I take a deep breath and get mentally ready to spill that still healing part of me when I'm interrupted by Callum’s phone dinging in his jeans pocket. He pulls it out and starts tapping away on the screen. Saved by the freaking bell, or the text. Callum grimaces and slips his phone back into his pocket. “I need you to go to a party with me tonight, Red.”

I frown and cock my head to the side. “Why?”

He uncrosses his arms and places them on the counter behind him. “The prospects are doing something for the club and I have to be at this party tonight.”

I laugh. “Well I guess I don’t have much of a choice then, do I? What do I wear?”

Callum smiles a genuine smile finally. “It’s real casual.”



Reese walksout of her room wearing an orange short sleeve tee that she tied in a knot just under her big tits and some high-waisted jeans, there's holes in the jeans and she's got a little bit of toned stomach showing. She looks hot as hell. I mean this girl can rock a tee shirt, and when she asks if her ‘mules’ will be okay for the bike I just stare at her like she just spoke another language, because for all I know she did; she laughs and walks ahead of me towards the door. After laying in bed for the rest of the morning, Reese and I went back to my townhouse to get some clean clothes for me so we didn't have to stop on our way to the party. I took a shower and got ready in her guest bathroom, then I watched a few episodes of a Swat show while she got ready. I don’t ever take girls to the clubhouse parties, one of those ‘why bring sand to the beach' types of things, but also these parties are when I get to let all the way loose with my brothers, and I don't want to be worrying about some chick. Tonight’s different though; for one, Reese is a friend, definitely not sand, and two, tonight's party is mostly business. When we pull up to the clubhouse, the party is in full swing, music bleeds from the building, and I back my bike up into the line with the others, Reese watching me the entire time with her arms crossed under her perky tits, turning her head to look in every direction. I turn off the bike and walk over to her, placing my hands on her arms and leaning in to speak over the booming music leaking from the clubhouse. “Relax, you're with me tonight, no one will bother you.” She looks into my eyes and nods. I grab her hand and walk in front of her into the clubhouse, pulling her along with me. The clubhouse smells like it always does during a party: a shit ton of perfume, smoke, and leather. Classy, I know. People part and stare at us as we pass; both wanting to stay out of my way, and shocked to see me with a girl. I lead us straight to the bar, spinning a barstool around for Reese.

Peyton smiles at me from the other side of the bar, with the dark purple lipstick she always wears and the small black crop top barely holding in her tits. “What’ll it be, handsome?”

I lean my forearms against the bar next to Reese. “Just water for now, I'm driving tonight.”

Peyton looks at Reese, smiling like a damn fool. I told you I never bring chicks here. “And for you sweetie?”

Reese looks behind Peyton’s bright pink head to scan the liquor shelves and restaurant-grade coolers lining the wall. “A vodka-cran, please.” Peyton walks away to grab our drinks for us and Reese takes the moment to scan the clubhouse, in her defense it is an odd place if you’ve never been in one. The place is packed with our guys, our guests of honor, some friends, and of course strippers and cut sluts in all stages of undress.

This room is the main room of the building; there are tables and chairs spread around the room, with a pool table to our left; behind the bar leads to a professional kitchen. Down the hallway at the back of the building are two rooms, one being the chapel, where church is held, and the other is the little strip club we have here; it's got a couple of poles and lots of mirrors, we call it Purgatory. Upstairs are several bedrooms that prospects live in with attached bathrooms. The rooms are available to patched members as well, but we usually have a place of our own or share with another member.

Peyton sets our drinks in front of us and moves on to get drinks for others stepping up to the bar. Reese pegs me with a knowing look, one eyebrow raised. “What?” I ask, taking a drink of my water.

Reese talks over the rim of her cup, a smile in her voice. “You’ve slept with her haven't you?”

I choke on my water, not expecting her to be so direct. “No.” I laugh when I recover. “What gave you that idea?”

She can barely get her words out, she's laughing too hard at my choking fit. “You guys were flirting.”

I shake my head, setting the water bottle down. “I never claimed to be a choir boy, but I was just being nice. Peyton flirts with everyone, if you’d give her a chance she'd flirt with you too.”

Reese barks a laugh and takes a sip of her drink. “She makes good drinks.” She shrugs.

Now I’m laughing. “And that’s why I'm nice to her.”

Finn saunters over and stands on the other side of Reese, he bends over and leans against the bar on his forearms, looking at Reese over his shoulder. “We really need to work out a schedule for our man here.” He points his index finger at me with his free hand. Reese cackles and leans back in her chair, looking between me and Finn.

I cup Finn’s shoulder behind Reese and shake him a little. “Oh, Finny, are you jealous?”

“Just miss ya is all.” He leans behind Reese’s chair and slaps my ass. Shaking my head, I change the subject.

“Where’s Huntley?” I try to look behind his hulking frame but it's useless, the fucker is huge.

He holds up a finger to get Peyton’s attention. “Finishing up a paper for one of her classes, she said she’d swing by after.” He gives Peyton his drink order, then he leans down so he’s face to face with Reese. “How are you doing? Heard anymore from that creepy fucker?” His voice is gruff, but you can see the sincerity in his eyes. That’s why he’s my best friend, his heart is just as big as he is, he just only shows it to people who mean something to him.