“I’m gonna stick your friend with harassment, breaking and entering, stalking, and assault. Maybe I can even convince my firm to try attempted murder. I just thought you should know, our friendship is over and I'm coming for you.” I’ve never seen this side of Allie, she’s always been protective over her friends, always sticking up for us, but she’s scary right now. Her eyes wide and her voice sharp.
“What are you going on about, Allison?” Allie’s eyes darken, she hates being called by her full name, but I don't know if Saint knows that with how casual he threw it out and how calm his voice is.
“One of your club members assaulted a man on Saturday night in retribution for my friend. And now he’s broken into her house and is leaving her creepy notes.” She brings the phone to her mouth and almost yells into it.
“Who?” Saint snaps.
Allie looks at me, her eyes widening in encouragement. Oh right, she doesn’t know his name. “Callum,” I say softly to the phone.
There’s a long pause on his end before he finally answers. “Give me a moment to check something.” There's some moving around and muffled yelling like he placed his phone over the speaker. Allie and I stare at each other and wait. “What time was the break-in and the note left?” He comes back after a few minutes.
“The first note was left while I was at work, sometime between eight and five, and the break-in was between five and six tonight,” I answer. Who does this? He seemed so normal, why would he leave these notes and break into my apartment?
“It wasn't Cale,” Saint says, back with a calm, almost bored tone.
Allie shakes her head. “Of course, you would say that, Saint.”
“No, Allison.”There he goes again.“I’m looking at time-stamped security cameras right now. He was at his warehouse from seven until five, dealing with inventory and then missing inventory issues. He didn't even leave for lunch. At five he leaves and I can see him getting to one of our cabins at five-thirty, and it’s a thirty-minute drive from his warehouse. I’m watching the cameras live right now and he’s still there, hasn't left.” He covers the speaker again, before coming back. “I can send you copies of the footage if you want, but there's no way he could have broken into your friend's apartment or left the notes.”
“What about the assault at the bar?” Allie doesn't give up.
More muffled talking on Saint’s end and a long pause. “We tracked his cellphone’s movements. He left his house, went to Westbrooke Apartments, and then back home until the next morning when he went to the gym.”
“He could have left his phone at home.” Allie pushes.
Saint hums. “He could have, but I don't know why he would.”
What? “What about the little minions you control?” Allie pushes.
“I’ve just talked to them, none of them know anything about this, and they wouldn't lie to me.” His voice takes on a menacing tone like he's not only talking to us.
“But—” Allie starts.
“Look, I’ll call church and ask Cale about the assault, but the break-in wasn't us. I can send some prospects over to watch over your friend and make sure there aren't any more notes.”
She sighs and watches me, maybe watching for some direction, but I don't have one. Who broke into my house? Who is leaving creepy messages? My only lead just fell through.”It’s fine, the police said—”
“You know damn well the police aren't going to do shit. Nobody is going to come near your friend with my guys on her, whoever the creep is will give up after a few weeks.” Saint interrupts her… again.
She still watches me, so I shrug. What else am I going to do? The only lead the police could have is if the person left fingerprints on the notes. The odds of stalkers getting arrested though aren’t in my favor, and even if they are arrested, they don't stay there for long; only long enough to get more creative and angry. “Okay.” She relents.
“Wait for us, I’ll send some prospects over soon,” he says, hanging up before we can answer back.
Allie leans against her car. “What the fuck, Reese.” She sighs.
“I don’t know, Al.” I shake my head, leaning next to her. “I have no idea who it could be.” I start to zone out, racking my brain for any clue.
“I think you should come stay with me and Soph until the Outlaws put someone on this.” She turns her head to look at me. Her fear shining in her eyes.
That startles me out of my daze. “No, I’m staying right here until my door is fixed.” She nods, I don’t take my eyes off of my door until the maintenance guys arrive.
I lean against Allie’s Audi next to her as the guys head to repair my door. “So now that Callum is innocent.” Allie hedges.
“Not completely.” I look at her out of the corner of my eye.
Allie shakes her head, looking at the ground. “I don’t think it was him, Reese. The Outlaws.” She sighs. “He wouldn’t need to cover his tracks if he assaulted that guy.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I turn my head back to the guys working on my door.