Page 52 of Only The Strong

I lean down and wrap my arms around Callum’s shoulders and kiss his cheek. He startles, not having noticed me coming home. “Hi,” I say after he’s slid his headphones off and stopped playing. “What was so important I needed to hurry home for?”

“I’m not reason enough?” Callum scoffs, placing a dramatic hand to his heart.

“Always.” I laugh and kiss his cheek again.

He turns on the bench, breaking my looped arms from his neck. He scans my outfit taking in my white button-up with the sleeves rolled up and half tucked into light jeans and my short strappy heels. His eyes pause on my thighs and hips and his hands come to rest on them, slowly rubbing up and down. “I have something to show you,” he finally says, bringing his eyes back up to mine. “We gotta take a ride though.”

We cruise through the curved roads, the trees thick and the air fresh, the late afternoon sun barely peeking through the ceiling of trees. Finally, we turn onto a small paved road, the trees creating a tall arch over the road, and at the end of the long drive I can make out a sort of clearing. When we get to the end I see that I was right, the massive trees clear away to show a perfect view of a strip of mountains in the distance. I don't know how Callum always finds these spots with the most perfect views but he does, and this one is by far the best one he's taken me to! I get off of the bike while Cale parks it and walk further into the clearing and take in the view. This spot is a little odd as it’s flat clear ground with nothing around and a little out of the way.

“What do you think?” Callum says coming up behind me. He wraps his strong arms around me and rests his chin on my head.

“It’s beautiful. I love it,” I say, laying my arms over his and leaning back into him. I look out over the land, it stretches for a few acres before dropping off and leaving nothing but the amazing view. The mountains border Mt. Rainier, the sky is clear today, which gives us a front row seat to the volcano. The summer heat feels good, the slight breeze making the June sun comfortable. I take a deep breath and let everything absorb; everything that matters to me is right here. Callum’s spicy cologne is swirling with the fresh air to make a heady combination, but that’s probably mostly just the man holding me. I love my life right now, it has never been more perfect. I love my job, my home, my man, and my friends. Everyone is happy and safe.

“Well good because I bought it for us.” Callum’s voice breaks my train of thought.

I turn in his arms to face him. “You bought what?” I ask.

“This land. To build a house on,” he says, his steel blue eyes locking onto mine. “So you can wake up every day and see this view. Wake up and sit in a big armchair in front of a giant window with a cup of orange juice, or walk out onto a porch or balcony and watch the sun rise and set. Whatever you want.” I blink a few times, completely surprised that he had bought us land, and the perfect lot at that. “Hey, come back to me, Red.” He laughs, rubbing my arms. “I just bought the land, we can start building whenever you're ready; whether that's in two months or ten years.”

I look over my shoulder at the beautiful view one more time and then turn back to look at the beautiful man in front of me; the man of my dreams. “What about now?”

The grin that splits his face is probably the biggest I've ever seen on him, and it instantly makes me smile. “We can start looking into contractors tomorrow, but there is one thing I want to do here first.” He lets me go and walks back to the bike. He looks around for something in the box attached to the side and then turns to walk back towards me. He stands in front of me, looking every bit the confident gorgeous man I met only three months ago. “Goddamn, you take my breath away.” He shakes his head and looks down at his hands. He clears his throat and looks back at me. “I’ve never met anyone who fits me so well, it’s like you were made for me and I was made for you. You are my best friend and coming home to you and your terrible cooking.” He stops to laugh at my glare. “Is the best part of my day. You’ve taken to club life so easily, so I know you’ll know just how big this is of me to ask you.” He pulls something out of the breast pocket of his cut. “Will you be my Old Lady?” He asks and I see what he pulled out is a beautiful thin black band. I stare at the ring and before I can answer him he continues. “I know you already agreed in a roundabout way, but you’re the type of woman who deserves to be asked.” He sounds almost nervous like he actually believes I would say no.

“Yes!” I almost scream before he can ramble on anymore. I pull his face into mine and kiss him so he knows exactly how serious I am.

He pulls away and chuckles, his giant grin back on his face. “Good,” he says, sliding the thin black band onto my left hand, the same place an engagement ring should be. I guess that makes sense since this is the biker version of a marriage. I look down at the ring and see it’s encrusted with black stones on all sides of the ring and completely around. It glistens beautifully in the sunlight. “Because I have something else for you too.” Callum breaks my attention from admiring my ring and I snap my eyes back up to meet his again.

“More?” I ask confused, what more could he possibly have?

Callum sinks to one knee, pulling a small black box from his back jeans pocket and I suck in a gasp. “I want to marry you, Reese Thomas. I want to marry you in front of our friends and family, I want you on the back of my bike, burning my meals, carrying my kids for the rest of my life. I want you forever, as my best friend, my Old Lady, my wife, and eventually the mother of my children.” I don't know when the tears started, but I finally noticed them falling when he finished. “It feels like I've loved you for my entire life, and I'll love you long after it ends. Will you marry me, Red?” I nod my head, too emotional to speak because Callum has felt like the missing piece that I tried so hard to make Noah fit, but he just wasn't it. I know not only am I safe with Callum but so is my heart. He will never hurt me, and I will never stop loving him. Cale hangs his head and I can hear a breath I didn't know he was holding rush out. He focuses intently on the box in his hand and opens it, sliding the biggest oval diamond I’ve ever seen with a gold band onto my finger in front of the thin black band.

“They’re so beautiful, everything you’ve given me today is so beautiful. Thank you,” I say as Callum rises in front of me again. I raise my hands to cup his cheeks when I notice on the bottom of the black band, right in the middle of the myriad of black stones, is a bright red one. Callum notices my staring and grabs my hand to kiss.

“You’re beautiful, nothing else compares to you.” He pulls me into him and I wrap my hands around his neck. “The engagement ring is classic, like you. The Property Band is designed by the club, but I was able to customize it a little bit to something that reminded me of you, and the land was too perfect to pass up.”

“‘The Property Band’?” I ask.

“It symbolizes that you’re my Old Lady, and ‘Property of Callum Moran’ is engraved on the inside of the ring.” His hands rest on my hips, heat seeping in from his touch.

I roll my eyes lightheartedly. “How caveman of you.”

Cale shrugs. “It’s how we do it, baby.” He leans down, capturing my chin in his fingers and guiding my lips to his. I melt into his lips and wrap my arms around his neck, resting them right above his tattoo for me. He pulls away too soon, and I groan in response. “I love when you do that,” he whispers against my lips. “But I want you to see the sunset out here.” He spins me around and I look out over our land. It really is beautiful out here, the sky is clear and turning a beautiful hue of pinks and oranges over the mountain range. “I have a blanket, we can sit and watch the sunset if you want?” He asks, his lips grazing my neck.

“Why do I get the feeling we won't be watching the sunset?” I ask, still taking in the view in front of me.

He squeezes my hips. “You’ll still be watching the sunset, Red.”

Callum walks back with a blanket and another small box in his hand. “What's that?” I ask while he lays the thick blanket over the soft green grass.

I follow him as he sits on the blanket, his legs straight out in front of him. “Get on your knees in front of me, facing the view.” He licks his bottom lip and I watch the motion, entranced.

I obey, sinking to my knees between his legs, my back towards him. His big hand reaches around and flicks the button to my jeans, pulling the zipper down slowly. He tugs my tight jeans down over my hips but leaves them above my knees. His hand slides up my back until he rests it between my shoulder blades and he pushes me down onto my hands. I hear a buzzing behind me right before he slides my black lace thong to the side and starts to slowly rub a silicone vibrator against my clit. I moan at the contact and Callum increases the pressure he's holding the vibrator against me. I feel his finger swirling around in my wetness and then he pushes two fingers inside of me. Pumping slowly in tandem with the slow back-and-forth motions of the vibrator, pushing a little harder on the up motion of the silicone toy. Just as I'm reaching my peak, he removes the vibrator and his fingers. “Cale—” I start to whine, then I feel the bulb of the toy slowly enter my pussy.

“Is this okay?” He asks, pausing just halfway into me.

“Yes.” I breathe out, and he pushes the toy the rest of the way inside. I sigh as he fucks me with the vibrator. After getting me used to the toy, he pulls backward on my hips. “Ride me, Red.”

I pause. “But the vibrator.” I protest.