“From who?” Mason stands tall, his back straight and shoulders rigid.
The guy on the other side pauses. “Uh. Says a Mr. Thomas. Called right as the shop was closing, but said these were important so I brought them by tonight.”My father?
Mason’s shoulders relax and he reaches out for something. “Okay thanks, man.” He shuts the door and turns around with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I walk down the rest of the steps and drop my bag at the bottom, meeting Mason by the door. He hands me the bouquet and I carry them into the kitchen while admiring them. A bouquet of white roses with one deep red dahlia in the middle.
“They’re from your dad?” Mason asks while walking around the other side of the long kitchen island.
I stare at them quizzically, because why is he sending me flowers and how did he know where I was? I haven’t told my parents about my stalker or temporarily moving in with Callum, I haven't even told themaboutCallum. “Yeah, I’m not sure why though.”
He plucks something out of the arrangement and hands it to me. “Well here's a card.”
Opening the card my heart stops in my chest and I immediately wish I could take back the last 48 hours.“You weren’t supposed to be in the car, Reesey. Get rid of him or the next arrangement will be for his funeral.”Two sentences are all it takes to make my world crash in on itself. My stalker was the one who crashed into us today, and he did it intentionally. He did it to hurt Callum. Now he’s sent this bouquet, pretending to be from my father, to force me to break up with Callum. The last few weeks flash before me and the pieces start to click together, this is the second time my stalker has hurt a man because of me
“Everything okay?” Mason snaps me out of my inner spiral. My eyes flick up to his, clutching the card in my hands I shake my head to think of an excuse.
“Uh, yeah. Um…” Shit, I can't think when I’m being watched. “Why don’t you take Callum the bag while I call my dad and then you can come back and take me to the hospital?”
Mason chuckles. “You’re funny, Princess. I like my balls and my hands, and my eyes, and my life, which has all been threatened if I leave you alone again.” He shrugs. “I’ll just step outside and you can come out when you’re ready to go.”
I nod. “Okay, I'll just be a second.”
Mason walks around the island smiling and towards the door. He picks up the overnight bag from beside the door and steps outside. What am I supposed to do? I have to tell them right? But if I do that then Callum and the club will one hundred percent go after my stalker harder than they already are.But isn't that what I want?Not if the cost is someone's life. Callum’s face flashes through my mind. The crash, the nurse telling us he was dead, him laying in a hospital bed. Then his slate eyes when he stares into mine after sex, his ruffled blonde hair in the mornings, his long dark lashes fanning over his cheeks, his sweet smile with perfect white teeth.No.Then I see Finn. Him joking with Callum, the silent tear rolling down his perfect face in the ambulance, the pictures of him and his dad hanging in his dad’s bar, the way he looks at Huntley like she hung the stars in the sky.No.Mason is next. His infectious smile and laugh, his witty banter, his ambitions of becoming a techie and a fully patched member of the club, us having dinner at my kitchen table, and him choking down my burnt food and still smiling like it was the best meal he’s ever had.I can't risk them.I have to leave and I have to make it look like my idea. I have to make sure Callum won’t fight for me.
I find a small notepad and a pen after searching through the drawers on the island. I scribble a short note, knowing that I won't be able to do this to his face. I tear up the card and throw it in the trash with the flowers, and then force myself up the stairs not knowing any other way to do this. I come back downstairs a few minutes later with all of my stuff packed and I carry them outside. Mason is sitting on the porch steps, scrolling through a girl's Instagram, but he quickly closes it before I can see the girl. He stands and slips his phone into his back pocket with a smirk on his face, when he sees my bags in my hands his head cocks and his brows scrunch together.
I look to the ground, not able to say this to his face. “I need you to take me home.”
He pauses, confused I'm sure. “Uh, is all of that for the hospital?” He chuckles, typical sweet Mase. “I didn't think Cale needed his makeup and curling iron in the hospital.”
I close my eyes, trying to hold back more tears. “I’m not going to the hospital and I'm not coming back.”
The noise is sucked out of the atmosphere, I swear the light breeze completely stops, and you could hear a pin drop. “Oh shit.” I see him move his weight around. “You’re not gonna make me tell him right? He’s gonna kick my ass, sling and all.”
I exhale a heavy sigh. “No Mase, I left a note. It explains it all.”
Mason gently takes the bags from my hands and sets them on the ground next to us. “Can he convince you to stay? Can I convince you? Reese, he’s never let anyone in like he does with you.”
Shaking my head violently so he’ll stop talking, I whisper, “No. I have to go.”
After a beat, Mason sighs and picks up the bags from the ground. “Okay. I’ll have Leo come get the bag to take to the hospital and I'll tell him you’re staying at your house tonight.”
I finally look up at him and shake my head slightly. “You don’t have to lie to the club for me.”
Mason flings one bag over his shoulder and we walk towards his Chevy pickup. “If I don't, nothing is gonna be able to keep Cale in the hospital. Not even a 6’5'' tattooed giant with resting bitch face.” I want to laugh, but I know that will only make my tears spill over my eyes so I just nod and walk to the pickup. Not letting myself turn to look back at the townhouse and everything I'm leaving behind with it.
Finn shufflesinto the room and kicks the door closed behind him with his boot. He sets a cup of water on the table beside my bed and slumps back onto the chair next to me. “Mase called and said Little Red is staying at her apartment tonight. Leo is bringing you some clothes.”
I set the Xbox controller down and turn to face him. “Why is she staying there and not at my house?”
He shakes his head and shrugs. “I don’t know man, she asked Mason to take her home.” This is weird, she was fine when she left and said she would be coming right back. I have a bad feeling about this, we get into an accident and now she’s skipping out and staying at her apartment, the same place that was broken into a few weeks ago. Something’s not right. I sit up and swing my legs over the bed, slowly, very slowly because my body feels like it was hit by a truck... ‘Cause you know, it fucking was. Finn’s voice rings through the pain.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He looks at me like I’m dense.
I shake my head, still slowly trying to move my legs. “What’s it look like, shithead? I’m going to see Reese.”