Page 3 of Only The Strong

“Callum.” I hold out my hand to shake.

She shakes my hand, firm but light. Her hands are soft enclosed in mine. “Thank you, Callum. I really appreciate it.” She smiles and I swear the patio lights strung around the rooftop got a little brighter, must've been a surge in electricity in the bar. “My name is Reese, and I’d offer to buy you a drink, but I really just want to get out of here.” Her eyes drift around the large space before coming back to me.

“I would take thanks in just making sure you got into a cab safely tonight.” I scan the rooftop to make sure the jerkoff isn't lingering.

“My friends should still be around, I can Uber home with one of them.” She pulls her phone out of a little handbag thing and frowns. “Except they all left.” She focuses on her phone, tapping out something.

“I can take you home. I had two beers tonight, I’m only here because my brother wanted some company while he flirts with a shot girl.” I quickly spit out without even thinking, she just basically got assaulted. Why would she trust another strange man?

She hesitates while she looks around the rooftop again, probably weighing her options. “Okay sure, it’s kind of a long wait for an Uber and I'd rather not wait around alone for one.”

“Sure, we can head out then. You ever been on the back of a bike before?” We start walking to the stairs, and I nod toward Finn to let him know I’m leaving; he’s standing by the bar while Huntley is counting her tips.

“I have actually, but never in a dress.” She laughs.

I look down at her stunned. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

She laughs as we walk down the stairs. “My dad hit his midlife crisis and bought a Harley. He took me for a ride a couple of times.”

I nod, impressed he went with a Harley. “He’s got good taste.”



Callumand I walk through the bar and start down the street to the big public parking lot at the end of The District. The streetlights start to turn on, lighting the wide sidewalk. I noticed his leather cut on the rooftop and weighed my options when accepting a ride from him, but the wait for an Uber was upwards of twenty minutes and I didn't want to hang around that long. I would also be lying if I said leaving with a stranger who just threatened someone for me wasn’t thrilling. I’ve been so bored of living my normal life. Go to work, go home, cook dinner for one, and go to bed alone. I’m tired of being bored, lonely, and sad. I’ve heard of The Devil’s Outlaws; that they’re untouchable, dangerous, but that’s it, just heard things about them. No one really knows what they’ve got going on behind the gates of their compound because they stay to themselves, and whoever is associated with them doesn't kiss and tell. I think that’s what adds to the mystery and their allure. When they’re in public people almost stop what they’re doing to watch, like some sort of celebrity or something. What’s worse though? Standing at a bar alone waiting for a ride or going with a supposed criminal stranger? Both are terrible options, to be honest, one’s just a little more fun. I texted Allie to let her know he was taking me home since apparently she knows them, so if he kills me then she can send the police to look for my body when she crawls out from whoever’s bed in the morning. I haven't ever been around any club members, as I said they usually keep to themselves, but I can't deny that Callum is hot as sin. He has these steel blue eyes that are so piercing and mesmerizing that they seem to stare right into your soul, with a trimmed beard and mustache, it’s really just a light layer of scruff laying over a strong jaw. He walks with a sort of confidence that pulls you in and is attractive, but not arrogant. He scans the people around us as we walk down the sidewalk like he’s sizing everyone up, but no one rattles him.

I realize that I’m staring at him and decide that I should probably say something before this gets too weird. “So you’re a part of the Devil’s Outlaws?”

He keeps his head mostly forward, looking down at me from the side. “Yeah, you know anything about us?”

“Only what the rumors say. Crazy parties, scary bikers, illegal activities.” I look at him, cocking my eyebrow. I’ve heard plenty of girls talk about their out of control parties, and the entire city is either terrified or in awe of anyone wearing The Outlaw’s leather.

“Hmm. Never heard those rumors I guess,” he says with a smirk, looking forward again.

“Yeah, I bet you haven’t.” I chuckle. “Am I going to be safe with you?” I know it’s not smart to leave with a guy you don't know, but my other options weren’t a whole lot better.

“I don’t need to rape women to get laid, and non-consent ain’t my kink.” He turns to look at me and I can see the earnestness in his eyes.

At that time we reach a matte black Harley. I start tying my hair into a long braid that hangs down the middle of my back and Callum picks up a helmet off of the handlebars and offers it to me. I thank him and put the helmet on. Callum sits on the bike and stands it upright. I rest my hand on his shoulder, step onto the small footrest, and swing my other leg over the bike. He lays his big hand over mine while I'm stepping up, his head turned and his eyes watching me the entire time. His hand on mine gives me a great view of the tattoos covering his arm, all the way down to his wrist. I look at the other arm resting on the handle bars, just two black bands wrapped around his forearm.

“Good thing I wore spandex under my dress tonight.” I laugh, tucking my dress under my butt.

“Damn, here I was thinking I was going to get a show as payment for the ride,” Callum says jokingly. “Where am I taking you tonight, Reese?”

I settle in behind him. “You know the Westbrook Apartments by the college?”

“Yeah, are you a student?” He starts the bike. It roars deep under me and now I'm hypersensitive to the warmth of Callum between my thighs. The vibrations of the bike and the presence of this hot as hell man are kind of turning me on. The small amount of vodka I had sure isn’t helping the situation at all. I stare at the big patch in the middle of Callum’s vest. The cracked skull with devil horns and a snake wrapping around it and through its eye socket.“The Devil’s Outlaws”curve above it and“Washington”below it.What the fuck am I doing?Living on the edge, doing something sweet, innocent, predictable Reese wouldn't normally do.

“No,” I stammer, pushing the club insignia out of my head. “I’m the property manager for the complex. Living onsite helps with any tenant issues that may arise.”

He nods and grabs the handlebars, I wrap my arms around him placing my hands on his soft black hoodie and hard abs. We slowly drive out of the parking lot and when Callum takes a turn, I lean with him expertly.

“You really can ride, Red.” His voice is deep and dark. The lustful tones of his voice have me involuntarily imagining him saying that to me while I'm straddling him instead of his bike. Callum feels good under my hands and the loud sound of the bike seems to turn my brain off. All I can think about are my hormones; Sophie wasn't lying when she said it had been a while. A one night stand isn't something I wouldn't normally do, nothing against it, it’s just not my thing. So maybe I should do it, a one night stand with a tattooed bad boy isn't going to be boring or lonely, at least not for a while. We slow down to stop at a stop sign and I make my decision before I can second guess myself or think about what if he rejects me.

“Take me to your place.” It comes lusty and deep. It sounds weird coming from my mouth and I inwardly cringe.

Callum turns his upper body so he can face me better. “Are you sure?” He sounds shocked and he's looking deep into my green eyes.