“Hey, get it together, Omega. You traveled the path meant for you, alright?”

I shake my head, not wanting to believe it. Fury and sorrow build into a great storm within me.

I yank my chin away. “I could have been happy. Rafe could have been happy. All this time.All that wasted time!”

My shouts echo through the halls. Wood snaps and cracks in my ears, but I’m not sure from where.

“Willa! Get your shit together! If you knew sooner, you would have made entirely different choices. You likely wouldn’t have met your second mate, and you definitely wouldn’t be here to help the omegas you’re planning to liberate.”

It’s like a bucket of water to the face.

I take a shuddering breath, my hands fall limp to my sides, and Claudia seems to grow taller in front of eyes.

She’s right. As much as it fucking sucked to admit it, if I knew then, I wouldn’t be here now. But that only begs the question…

“How the hell do you know about the omegas?” The question is more of a hissing growl, but Claudia doesn’t back away.

“You were spiraling out of control, so I peeked in your mind for something to ground you.”

A growl gets lodged in the back of my throat. “Do you make a habit of that?”

She rolls her eyes and sighs. “I don’t. But maybe I should. The last warlock I dated was a two-timing asshole. Had a double life and everything.”

Her admission, the tone, the complete dichotomy of this beautiful badass goth witch having such banal man trouble… all of it put together is just too ridiculous.

And that growl I couldn’t control gives way to the smallest giggle. Quiet at first, but the giggle doesn’t fade.

It grows.

That giggle turns into a genuine laugh, and soon enough, I can’t control it. I’m gasping for air and clutching my stomach as hysterical, belly-aching laughter bubbles out of me.

Claudia just rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yuk it up. Do you know how embarrassing it was for me? Finding the guy who was supposed to care for me banging some new-age wannabe human?”

And the laughter starts anew.

Eventually, I get myself together enough to apologize. “I’m sorry,” I finally say around the last bits of hiccuping chuckles. “It’s just…”

“I know. We all deal with stress the best way we can.”

I clear my throat, hoping that was the last of it. “So, uh, do you think you can use that mind reading stuff to help me with the omegas?”

Claudia's gaze sharpens, coming to life at the suggestion. “If you can get me into the meeting, I can get in anyone’s head you like.”


Omega 1

My meltdown wakeseveryone in the compound and is the reason I see more of Julian than I ever wanted to.

And lemme just say…

The king ispacking.

But, the upside is Eden is now in on my and Claudia’s plan.

The three of us sit in the courtyard, enjoying the afternoon sun—which, I guess, vampires can do—and mimosas at Eden’s insistence while talking strategy.

“Oh, I know!” Eden says, jumping up and splashing her drink on the cobblestone below. “Just make yourself a cloaking necklace like you did for me when I had to go undercover to save Sunny.”