I can’t keep my lip from curling or the rattle of a growl in my throat.

Jonah puts both hands up, surrendering. “I don’t like it either, Willa. Believe me. Rafe and I almost came to blows with Jaxson over this.”

That made me want to find Jaxson right now and give him a piece of my mind. Why would he agree to keep a pack that assaults omegas?

If they tried with me, an omega mated to a Pack Alpha, I could only imagine how hard it must be for the omegas actually in the pack.

And that sets my gears in motion.

“Anyway, after we all settled down, we rescheduled the meeting that should have happened last night after the run.”

I’m only half listening. The rest of my brain buzzes with the first dregs of an idea.

Jonah goes on, and I catch bits and pieces. My omelet grows cold on the plate.

Eventually, he stops talking.

The silence draws my attention.

Jonah shifts his weight and clears his throat, a pained expression painted across his bronzed face. “Willa, if you don’t want to come, I completely understand.”

“Oh no, I’m definitely going to be there. Just tell me when and where.”

I keepmyself from thinking about Rafe’s absence all afternoon by only thinking about the plan. It has to be perfectly crafted. Ideally, I’d ask for Jonah’s help. This was right in his wheelhouse, but I wouldn’t risk anyone knowing beforehand.

I wouldn’t be talked out of this.

I wouldn’t be sabotaged, even if Jaxson or Jonah or whoever thought it was for the greater good.

Fuck the greater good.

I smirk to myself and make another note in my phone.

Mari’s face appears on my screen just as I’m finishing up and I can’t help but smile as I answer her video call. “Hey! You doing OK? Kill anyone yet?”

Mari’s eyes go wide. “Um, actually—”

“Mari! Are you kidding me? What happened?” I shoot off the couch, brain trying to calculate how soon I could get back to her and if I could actually be any help if I did, all while pacing circles around the sofa and rubbing my free hand up and down my arm to soothe myself.

With Drago off to get his clothes for the pack meeting and Jonah busy schmoozing with Julian downstairs, I have to deal with my catastrophe sister all by myself.

My thoughts spool up, taking flight in my mind. One after another, they collide into one another.

I shouldn’t have come here. None of this would have happened if I just stayed in BC. Rafe’s hurting and alone, and I haven’t heard from him all afternoon. I was almost… and the omegas in that pack… If I hadn’t come…

If I hadn’t come, I wouldn’t know about those omegas. I wouldn’t be working on this plan to…

I don’t finish that thought because Mari’s face shifts from guilty and doe-eyed to victorious with a self-satisfied smirk. “I’m kidding, dork. God, you’re such an easy mark.”

I let out a sigh and try to calm my heart rate while also setting my phone on the end table in front of me and flipping her double-birds.

She rolls her eyes. “Real classy, Willa.”

“You started it by saying you killed someone! Now, is there something I can do for you, dear sister?”

“Well, actually, I was wondering if you could explain precisely and in exact detail what the difference is between Queen Anne’s Lace and hemlock.”

And just like that, I’m level-ten-anxious again. “Are you fucking kidding me, Mari?! We went over this like ten times because, it just so happens, onekills peopleand the otherdoesn’t!”Jesus, I was gonna get home to a whole pack of dead wolves.“What?” I snap as she grins at me. “Why are you grinning like that? This is serious.”