I mean, that’s good, I guess.

“Once you made it clear that Edgar scared you and wasn’t welcome, I made it my top priority to keep him from scaring you again.”

“The steely eyed one?”

Drago nods. “The circumstances of his death were… different.”

I don’t push further. I don’t really want to know. “Well, thank you for keeping him locked away for me. It’s very…” I pause, stuck on the word. Is sweet right? I didn’t think mastering control over the magic and personality of an alpha you killed is sweet, but doing it for me kinda... that kinda is, right? “It’s thoughtful, and I’m grateful.”

Drago nods and leans in for another kiss.

I happily oblige.

Or I would have.

If Rafe and Jonah hadn’t come in at that very moment.

“Will, the packs finally agreed—”

Rafe stops dead in the doorway, nose twitching at the scent of rut still thick in the air.

I don’t have time to get a word out, let alone stop him.

Rafe goes absolutely feral, launching himself at Drago like a rabid thing. Snarling and growling, he collides with the alpha who outweighs him by at least one hundred pounds, tackling him off the bed and onto the floor.

“Rafe! Stop!”

He doesn’t hear me. He can’t. Rafe’s consumed in a righteous rage.

And to my astonishment, Drago’s allowing it. Even as strong as Rafe is—stronger than most alphas—Rafe is no match for Drago.

Not unless Drago chooses not to fight back.

“How dare you!” Rafe roars, one hand around Drago’s throat, the other rearing back in a fist.

“Rafe, no!”

“Taking advantage of her after what she’s been through! I ought to have you abjured!”

I glance back at Jonah for help, only to see him wide-eyed and sporting a shit-eating-grin like he thinks this is the best show ever.

Fine. I’ll do it myself. Before Rafe’s fist collides with the side of Drago’s head, I spring off the bed and grab his wrist.

I’m counting on the physical touch to shake him out of this. My small fingers wrap most of the way around Rafe’s bare wrist…

And I have no effect.

Rafe’s arc toward Drago’s temple continues uninterrupted.

“Rafe, please! Listen to me!” I’m screaming, crying, pleading now, with both hands around his wrist and using my body weight to stop this.

But even with the leverage of my whole body, I’m not nearly strong enough to stop what’s about to happen.

Frustration and exhaustion come together in a guttural grunting noise I didn’t know I could make. “Alpha!” I shout. “Get a hold of yourself.”

Something weird happens.

Not only does Rafe stop moving, but a strange heaviness surrounds my words. Almost like…