“I wasn’t planning on denying it,” I say, chin high, back straight, and staring right into his fear-blacked eyes.

The blackness clears as I watch, revealing startling slate-gray eyes.

Completely unlike the dark gaze I saw in the meeting house.

Everything about his demeanor is different. The twist of his lips, his cold, unnerving stare, even his stance is more aggressive. “What makes you think you can talk to me that way?” The oppressive weight of his alpha voice tells me everything I need to know.

Mates or not, I will never let this wolf have me.

Goosebumps rise along my neck and arms as instinct overrides my pride and recognizes this wolf as the threat he is. I step back, lowering my gaze to the ground.

“I apologize, Alpha,” I whimper with deference that only comes from abject fear.

“That’s better,” he says with a snarl and comes closer.

I hold my breath, hoping he doesn’t touch me, hoping Mari or Vala wakes up. I know even three of us are no match for him, but my gaze still darts to them, hoping all the same.

They’re cuddled comfortably, oblivious to the scene playing out just a few feet away.

“Please,” I whisper as his large hand draws closer, just inches away from my cheek.

His hand stops. “Please, what?” The words ooze from his lips, and I do everything in my power to repress the shudder skating up my spine.

“Please don’t hurt me.”

The large hand I can only see in my periphery retreats, falling limp at the wolf’s side. “I—I would never.”

The confusion in his voice coupled with another sudden shift in his scent has me glancing at him despite my better judgment. Drago’s frowning. The expression pulls at the scars on the side of his face, creating ripples and valleys in his skin. But more noticeable—to me, at least—is the sadness in his eyes.

No longer slate or even blacked out in fear, but a deep dark brown.

“Get away from her, you overgrown tree trunk!”

The grit and gravel in Rafe’s tone is a balm to my nerves and I fight the urge to fall limp on the sofa at my back as relief washes through me.

Staying still is my best bet to get out of this unharmed.

Remember when I said important things slow down? Yeah, scratch that.

All at once, Mari and Vala are on their feet, sleep-bleary eyes darting about, uncomprehending.

Behind Drago, Jonah and Rafe launch themselves at his back, growling and snarling in the air. And for a split second, I’m convinced they’re about to jump into their fur and tear Drago apart.

The wolf way.

Teeth and claws, blood and bone.

Drago doesn’t flinch. Doesn’t turn around. In fact, his gaze never leaves mine as he drops to his knees and puts both hands behind his head.

My eyes bounce from him to Rafe to Jonah as they land mere inches from the intruder but stop short of grabbing him.

“What are you doing?” Mari shouts. “Tie him up and put his ass out in the cold until we figure out what the fuck to do with him.”


If thoughts were bees, I'd have a shitload of honey

Rafe and Jonahbind the monstrous alpha killer’s wrists and ankles, but I can’t keep my eyes off Drago’s face and the pain in his gaze that cuts straight through me.