
Three Queens, Three Kings, and a Sigma is a winning hand, right?

Omegas aren’t supposedto act like this.

We aren’t supposed to match a vampire king’s heady stare.

And yet here I am, unflinching, secure in the knowledge that even though I’m not supposed to, I am. And that’s OK.

Sunny clears her throat delicately. Like a princess might.

Eden takes the cue and sing-songs her mate’s name. “Julian. You’re making our guests uncomfortable.”

Julian’s lip curls into a snarl, and my men shift into full-on protection mode. Rafe is so tense and ready to come to blows in this not-big-enough-for-fisticuffs limo, he’s practically vibrating around me. Jonah’s leaned forward in his seat, baring his teeth at the vampire king.

But Julian doesn’t waiver. His gaze holds mine just as steadily as the sky holds onto the moon.

And so...

I become the sky, locking him in my gaze until he cannot look away. Cannot break free.

“Uh, maybe having you pick us up wasn’t the greatest idea,” Jaxson says from his side of the limo.

“Ya think?” Eden nudges Julian. Hard, judging by how far his torso smooshes into the limo.

Rafe is about to pop. The roar building in his chest rumbles through me, promising teeth and claws and lots and lots of vampire king blood.

Which isn’t the greatest way to start off this tenuous alliance with our wolf sisters and brothers in the States.

I twist and put a palm flat on Rafe’s chest without looking away from Julian.You need to calm down, Rafe. I’ve got this.

His body tenses, but only momentarily, before Rafe allows a fraction of that coiled, primal, protective energy to move off him.I know you can handle yourself, Will. You proved as much at the alpha meeting. But that doesn’t change the fact that I hate this guy for eye-balling you like this.

Shh. It’s a test, I think. Just let me pass it so we can get to Jaxson’s pack.

Rafe doesn’t so much agree as he doesn’t rip Julian to shreds where he sits.

I feign a yawn. I don’t know how convincing it was, but the boredom in my gaze certainly is real. “Are we done playing this game now?”

To that point, Julian remained statue still, except for that curled lip which now curls not into a growl, but into a smile.

A smile that lights up the limo. Broad and bright with Hollywood-perfect teeth and just a touch too much charisma for my liking. His hazel gaze twinkle with laughter as the king turns on his kingly charm.

“Please accept my apologies, Willa.” His gaze shifts behind me. “Rafe.” And next to me. “Jonah.” Before finally coming back to me. “I had to make sure the wild wolves of the Canadian Rockies were civilized enough to invite into my home.”

I don’t know whether to be glad we passed or insulted he felt the need to test us.

“Jesus Christ, Julian,” Jaxson huffs out, slapping his hand to his forehead. “I fucking told you they’re the same as our wolves.”

“In fact, you didn’t. You said they were like your wolves, but without the effect of Titus’s enslavement, they’d been allowed to evolve naturally.”

Jaxson’s eyes roll all the way inside his shaved head. “That doesn’t mean—”

“I have a city to protect. Vampires to care for. I cannot allow three unknowns within the bounds of my domain without doing my due diligence.”

And Rafe is vibrating again. “You know, I think we better just end this little cultural exchange here, while everyone still has all their insides on the inside.”

“I think that’s a good idea.” I don’t actually think it’s a good idea, but I know it’s more important to appear unified in our decision, even if I want to stay and figure out how to move forward. That “wild mountain wolf” remark had hit a nerve in Rafe, and I wouldn’t add salt to that wound by publicly disagreeing with him. “Have your driver turn around as soon as it’s convenient.”