I stand, but I don’t move away from my protectors, giving the wolves a small wave and a gracious bow.
I sit back down, try to convince my face not to explode into red blotches, and turn my attention back to Jaxson.
“I’d like to give the floor to Rafe and have him tell us a little about what pack life could be for us.”
Some might construe Jaxson’s sentiment as controversial, but he delivers it with such hope, such positivity, it’s hard not to see things his way.
Rafe stands and I force myself to look at him with as much neutrality as I can while also hoping he’s not too nervous. Hoping he does well. And hoping I don’t actually disgust him.
“I’m a simple wolf,” he starts, gestures wide and full of confidence. Almost like he’d practiced this. “This is the first time I’ve left my home, and let me tell you, Jaxson had some convincing to do to get me up on this stage.”
That gets him a few chuckles from the crowd, and he relaxes. I notice it, but I’m sure no one else does. So I take the opportunity to check in on Claudia.
Found ‘em yet?
I think so. I’m sorting through their heads now. When I have something solid, I'll let you know.
Rafe continues, talking about how important it is to lead from a place of service, so your pack always knows you have their best interest at heart. “In our area, we don’t fight for dominance. We don’t allow it. Designations are given to us in a ceremony, and the mantle of Pack Alpha falls to whoever the magic of our land decides is most capable. It’s comforting. Knowing you’re chosen because you’re the most capable, but that doesn’t mean I get to be lazy. And it doesn’t mean I can afford to let my pack down. The only requirement we have to be a pack leader is the magic choosing you. I don’t have to produce an heir or fight all the other alphas in the pack. And that’s good enough for my packs. Thank you.”
The packs give him a hesitant round of applause, casting questioning looks to one another.
Without waiting to be introduced, Jonah steps around the row of chairs and jumps right in. “Things are pretty similar on my mountain as well, but what you might not know is I’m not an alpha. I’m a sigma.”
The murmuring rises, the one resounding question repeated over and over…
What’s a sigma?
“I don’t really like to put a lot of labels on it because I find it hinders my abilities, but basically, a sigma is whatever the pack needs. A designation evolved from need. My pack, for instance, lost our Pack Alpha in a tragedy and I was the one the mantle fell to. When that happened, I gained the dominance and strength of a Pack Alpha, but I also have the speed of a lighter wolf, the resourcefulness of a beta, and the charm of all three.”
Jonah continues, and the packs are eating it up. They even ask questions at the end. But he doesn’t actually mention any of the things Jaxson wanted except in brief passing.
Jaxson and I share a glance as Jonah returns to my back. In it, he pleads with me to bring this home. To convince them to let him keep his pack.
And I don’t know if I can, but I’ll give it my best shot.
I check in with Claudia one last time.Anything?
Maybe. I’m still looking.
Jaxson’s already introducing me, and I stand and walk to the front of the platform with no idea how. Like I was in my body but also outside of it, watching.
I gaze out at all their faces.
And I begin.
“Hi. I’m Willa, and you heard right. I’m an omega sitting up here with all these alphas because where I come from, all designations are worthy of respect.”
Got em. That really piqued their interest. Keep going, Omega 1.
Where are they?I ask.
Last row, a whole group of ‘em. Seven in total.
I glance back and lock eyes with each one of them.
“Omegas serve a protected, honored role in my pack. We’re cherished. We raise the next generation of wolves. And we raise them to respect all.”
Pull back, pull back, Omega 1. The targets are getting flighty.