Hurting Rafe was the last thing I ever wanted.

I always knew he’d be unwilling to share me. I should have been more careful. Should have warned him. Should have thought about him just once to keep him from walking in on Drago and me naked in bed.

But he’d warmed up to Jonah so well, I just didn’t.

I didn’t think about him at all.

I failed him.

At some point, I realize I’m not on the floor anymore. Drago or Jonah must have carried me back to the bed. They lay on either side of me, close but not touching me. I take a few moments, collecting myself, making sure I’m not gonna break down again, then reach for them.

When our skin meets, both men let out a heavy sigh.

“You screamed every time we touched you,” Jonah says into my hair before kissing my head.

I sniffle. “Yeah. I fucked up really bad.”

“Shhh, Willa,” Jonah soothes. “We’ll get through it, OK?”

Drago squeezes my hand. “Whatever my part in this is, I am truly—”

“This isn’t your fault, Drago. I should have told him. He’s my alpha, and I—”

I betrayed his trust.

Yes, Rafe knew Drago and I were mates, but as far as he knew, I still hated Drago. I can only imagine how painful it must have been to walk in on us naked and in the bed he and I shared.

“This is my fault,” I say.

A knock at the guest suite door keeps me from wallowing further.

For a moment, my heart swells, thinking it might be Rafe.

But Rafe wouldn’t knock. I sink into the warmth of the covers, content to hide from whoever’s knocking.

Jonah’s got the most clothes on, and by that I mean he’s the only one wearing anything at all. He answers the door and tries to tell whoever’s there now isn’t a good time.

“Oh, it’ll just take a moment. It’s very important.” Claudia’s low voice reaches me, and I reconsider my plan to curl in a ball and hide.

I’m definitely not in a social mood, but maybe the distraction of what the witch has to say might be good.

I rub my face, wiping away the tears and snot. “It’s OK, Jonah,” I call out and start throwing on clothes. “Tell her I’ll meet her downstairs.” I say, wanting to save her from the sex still lingering in the air.

“Marvelous, dear. Can you bring the scary one too, love?”

I lock eyes with Drago, asking. “Sure,” I say once he gives me a head nod.

“Do you mind being the scary one?” I whisper, searching for my bra.

“Only when I scare you,” he says earnestly as he too searches for his pants. “What am I doing?” Drago says to himself. “I don’t have any clothes here. I walked here in my fur and all my things are at my motel.”

Yeah, that’s a problem. Nothing any of us have will fit Drago.

Jonah comes back to the bedroom and, without a word, finds a spare set of sheets in the wardrobe and begins draping it on Drago like he’s some sort of Greek god.

“Don’t worry. This isn’t my first toga party,” he says, while tying the sheet at Drago’s shoulder. Jonah steps back, eyeing his work. “There. That ought to keep that horse of yours in the barn.”
