Drago’s gaze, already on me, sharpens.

“Honestly, even when it sucked the most, when I couldn’t have Rafe because of the healer mantle, and I was so angry about all that magic took from me, I still knew the mate bond was right. Rafe and I belonged together, and I never doubted that, despite all the shit that got in our way. It’s the same with Jonah. He found me while I was still a healer and helped Rafe and me figure out how to be together before Mari took the mantle. But you…” I trail off, trying to find my words.

But I stop short as Drago’s gaze hardens, the deep brown shimmering into a slate-gray.

I suck in a breath, pulling my legs toward me, too scared to continue.

Then Drago does something I haven’t seen him do before.

He stares at me as heforceshis eyes to go back to brown.

“Thank you,” I whisper, unsure exactly what just happened but grateful it had. I don’t quite relax. I still press my legs to my chest, but after a few moments, I continue.

“Even if it’s for a greater good, murder is wrong. Life is sacred, and I don’t know if I can reconcile who you are with the fact that the mate bond called us together.”

I let that hang in the air between us before continuing because it’s true. It’s how I feel.

Or how I felt.

“But now I’m so confused because you smell like home and you’ve been so good to me and you even found a way to keep the nasty part of you at bay for me and so maybe… Maybe we can go slow. Like super duper, frozen maple syrup slow.”

Drago lets out a heaving sigh, chuffing his agreement.

“I’m sorry for handling this whole thing so badly. I’m not perfect, and I’ve got a lot of bullshit to wade through, too.”

And my words spark a realization.

But I’m tired. My feet hurt, and I just want everything to go away for a while. I settle back into bed and fall asleep. But this time, it’s real, regular sleep. Not a stress reaction.

Early morning light creeps through my lids, and my eyes flutter open to find I’m in bed alone.

No Drago, Rafe, or Jonah. I chuck the covers back and swing my legs over the bed.

You’d think with three of ‘em, waking up alone would never be a problem for me, but apparently…

The soft snick of the bathroom door opening stops me dead, toes barely grazing the carpet.

I freeze. So does Drago.

The man.

The very naked man…

Technically, he’s got a towel. But he’s got it pressed to his short-cropped hair, so it’s not covering a single thing.

My mouth falls open. I can’t help it. He’s even bigger than I imagined.

Enormous shoulders, rounded, sinewy pecs and ridges of abs and…

Oh my fucking god.

My face burns with embarrassment as he hastily wraps the towel around his hips.

But it’s too late. I already saw that perfect line of definition where torso meets hip. The curve of his powerful thighs. And themonstercock lying between the two.

I don’t have another word for it.

I haven’t seen a lot of dicks in my life, but I know for certain, Drago’s is the biggest I’ll ever see.