“Oh, come now. I’m no prude. Whatever you have to say, I can certainly handle it.”

I grip my fist in my lap, lids falling closed to gather myself. After a moment, I look Claudia directly in her black eyes. “It’s not that I mind sharing information with someone who’s keen to collect it, it’s more that this exchange is very one-sided. I’m feeling a bit like a lab rat under a microscope.”

“Oh, of course you are, sweetie,” Sunny says lightly. “How about some quid pro quo? We tell you our secrets and you tell us yours?”

I nod, eyes glued to my plate. “That would probably help, yes.”

Eden waves me down to her end of the table. “Switch with your mate,” she urges.

And so I do. I switch our plates and get Jonah to trade seats without breaking their conversation over who’s the best goalie for their respective teams.

Honestly, I didn’t even know they liked hockey.

Once the four of us are all seated in a tight square around the long table, Sunny begins. “Vampires’ mating process has several steps, starting with a scenting stage. Then a blood exchange, followed by marking, and some say the final stage is sharing blood while others say sharing bodies is the last stage.”

I nod. It’s not too dissimilar to our process. “Marking. That’s…”

“Biting our mate without healing it. Leaving our mark on each other for all time,” Eden says, eyes sparkling with glee I don’t quite understand.

I glance from her to Sunny’s irritated expression. “What? What am I missing?”

“Ask Sunny where she left her mate mark,” Eden says around a cheesy grin.

“OK. Sunny, where did you—”

“His dick. I bit my mate’s dick, so every time he looks at it, he knows exactly who it belongs to.”

My jaw falls open. That was the last thing I expected Ms. Prim and Proper to say. I also can’t help the grin spreading across my face. “Sunny, I like your style,” I say, before bursting into giggles.

“Thanks. I like yours too. Though I don’t know if I could keep track of two dicks.”

I’m about to ask Eden where she bit Julian when a shiver runs down the back of my neck all the way to my toes.

Every hair on my arms stands on end, and without knowing why, I shoot out of my chair into a defensive crouch, low growls rattling the back of my throat.

I draw in a jagged, heaving breath.

“Willa!” Rafe shouts from his end of the table, leaping over chairs to get to me in two strides. “What’s wrong?”

There’s no mistaking that sharp scent. Faint at first, it grows closer and closer, smelling both like home and like danger.

“Drago is here.”


Duck, Duck, Drago

In seconds,everyone’s moving. Rafe and Jonah stand at my front and back, eyes trained on the bushes surrounding us, while the vampires blur out of sight.

Jeez, man. I mean, I didn’t expect them to take on a murderous Uber Alpha for me, but I didn’t think they’d just split.

Focus, Willa.

How far away is he?

I’m not sure. The scent is everywhere all at once.

Just as I try to scent the air to get a better fix on him, the sickly sweet stench of vampires overwhelms my nose.