The captain comes on the intercom, says a few things, and before long, we’re speeding down the runway.

And we’re in the air, going up what feels like a sky-bound roller coaster. Mostly I try to enjoy the new experience, but a small part of my brain can’t help but wonder how truly terrible this “roller coaster” could be. Plummeting to the ground from 41,000 feet isn’t how I want to go out.

I dig my fingertips into the soft leather arms and try to focus on my breath, not dying on my first plane trip.

I’m so wrapped up in keeping my shit together, I don’t notice Rafe.

“Man, you look even worse, buddy. Is it air sickness? Do you feel queasy? Maybe like your stomach is full of fat, wriggling worms.”

“Jonah!” His playful gaze snaps to mine. “That’s not nice.” I take Rafe’s clammy hand. “You should have told us you were afraid to fly.”

Across the aisle, Jaxson sighs. “You know, private jets fly higher than commercial planes. Higher means thinner air and thinner air means less turbulence.”

His attempt to help only makes Rafe turn a neon shade of green.

Jaxson sighs. “There are airsick bags under your seat. Please don’t vomit on the Vampire King’s upholstery.”

And that was the first time Rafe puked.

How ever many times you think is too many times for a wolf shifter to puke on a cross-continental private jet ride, add one more.

When we finally land in Laurel Cove, we all smell a little like vomit.

Rafe actually kisses the tarmac the second both his feet are on the ground.

I tuck myself under Jonah’s arm and pull Rafe close to offer comfort as Jaxson leads us to yet another even bigger limo.

Bigger because there are already three people seated in the forward-most section. Eyeing us as we slide in.

Jaxson takes the bench against the door while Jonah, Rafe, and I all sit next to each other, facing the other supes. But once I think we’re settled, Rafe wraps himself around me, casually lifting me up and placing me on the seat between his legs. His hands rest on my hips, drawing me closer so my back is fully supported on his chest and my ass rubs against his crotch.

Even Jonah isn’t immune from a possessive display, though his is much more subtle. He merely threads his fingers through mine and rests our linked hands in his lap.

Very close to his cock.

OK, maybe it isn’t so subtle.

The vampires watch the exchange intently, but if they care, they don’t show it.

I’d never met a real life vampire, but the cloying sweetness clinging to my nasal passages clue me in immediately. Don’t get me wrong, most omegas have a sweet perfume, and we likely don’t smell great to outsiders, but these supes are a far cry from caramel and vanilla.

More like sun-rotted fruit or spoiled hot custard…

The pungent sweetness of decay.


I mean, yeah, all three of them are gorgeous. Like otherworldly, perfect proportions, beautiful. But no amount of sharp cheekbones and flawless skin could make up for smelling like the dead.

Jaxson clears his throat and makes the introductions. “Vamps, these are the British Columbia wolves. Alpha Rafe Navarro, Sigma Jonah Akokli, and Omega Willa Stocklin. Wolves, these are the King and Queen Vampires of Laurel Cove, Julian and Eden, and the Queen of Cypress City, Sunny.”

What? Vampires don’t have last names?

After the six of us exchange requisite pleasantries, and Rafe pulls me even closer, the curiosity gets the better of me.

“Why are vampires sharing a ride with us on wolf business?” I ask Jaxson, which, yeah, is a little rude, but damnit, I’m sharing my oxygen with stinky zombies, so me and my nose are a little short-tempered.

The one introduced as Eden smiles, wide and full of genuine glee. “Oh, I’m going to like you. Even if you do smell like vomit.” Her too-blue eyes sparkle like gems under a strobe light and not a single one of her platinum hairs is out of place. Her frame is slender and willowy, and her clothes are clearly high-end and tailored to perfection.