Rafe nods, jaw working like a jackhammer to get as much food into his stomach as quickly as possible. I imagine mine must be as well.I have reservations as well.

I thought as much. I didn’t miss how quickly Rafe’s posture changed when Jaxson mentioned going there in person.

Yeah? You go first,I say—er, think.

Will, I’m a small-time mountain alpha. I’m not sure my opinion counts for much in a big city like Laurel Cove. City wolves are…He trails off and takes his time finding the right words.They have a different perspective than we do.

I study his face carefully. There’s a certain amount of truth in Rafe’s sentiment, but I know him well enough to know that’s not the whole of it.

I also know Rafe well enough to accept that he’ll tell me when he’s ready. So I don’t push.

Truth be told, though, I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold my own with city wolves.

I guess he was ready.

I wasn’t, though.

It’s the very last thing I ever expected Rafe to say.You can’t be serious.

He nods, taking the sandwich that marks the exact middle of the stack.

You know I’m a BC wolf, born and raised. The pack and logging business have kept me busy and on the mountain since our early twenties. I haven’t seen much of the rest of the world. And the idea of leaving my little corner…

I stop him with a finger in the air. My heart actually hurt that Rafe thought he wasn’t good enough to meet with the Laurel Cove packs.

Raphael Navarro! You are the most capable, level headed, most honorable alpha I’ve ever known. The Great Wolf chose you as Pack Alpha because you’re the best of us. Because you deserved it, and that makes you just as capable and worthy as any other wolf in any other place, period, end of story, and thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Rafe smiles at me with his eyes, but I can tell he’s still unsure.

And honestly, so am I.

Not about him, obviously. I have more faith in him than I do in myself most days.

But I’m still unsure about the trip.

Leaving my well-meaning but herbally challenged sister alone?

As much as I want to help Jaxson, I can’t risk my pack’s lives and leave them without a fully functional healer.

Can I?


Alpha Vamp vs. Pack Alpha

“No.Nope. You’ve got this all wrong.”

I’m having a hard time keeping focus on Jonah’s words since he’s standing in my living room in just a towel, still glistening from the shower.

God, he’s so hot. Wide chest and shoulders with a lean build and minimal body hair, unlike Rafe. Jonah’s abs flex as he breathes, which lets me know that he knows I’m watching him.

He’s flexing for me.

I bite back the giggle perched on my lips.

“I can’t believe I’m the voice of reason on this one.” Jonah’s hands sit squarely on his hips as he looks down at us from the end of the island.

Rafe and I had just polished off the leaning tower of sandwiches when Jonah came out of the shower—freshly washed and freshly… relieved. Rafe caught him up on our misgivings about going to Laurel Cove and now…