I give his knot another squeeze and smile to myself at the groan it elicits. “If you must know, I was thinking what it would be like with your knot in me while Jonah fucks my face.”
Jonah’s eyes light up. “Yeah, I’m available for that.” He even rises part way off his stool, but Rafe must have given him a don’t-you-fucking-dare-look, because he sits back down real quick.
“Then tell me, Willa.” It’s not a command. Hell, it’s hardly even words. It’s like rumbling storm clouds overhead, or a rock slide. The sound skates down my skin, and gooseflesh erupts across my back.
Before he does something else that takes my breath or voice away, I get it all out in one rushed breath. “Fucking-hell-I-want-your-goddamn-knot-Rafe-more-than-anything-in-the-whole-stupid-world.”
Groans from both my men sing to my undersexed omega brain.
“Right fucking now, Rafe,” I add and push my ass into him.
He did not need to be told a second time.
He removes himself from my thighs and slowly runs the head of his cock up and down my swollen slit.
My eyes clamp closed just as my cunt clamps down at the sensation. “Don’t tease me, Rafe.” I meant it as a warning, but it came out all sex-kittenish and cute.
“Tell me again, sweet Omega.”
And there it was. He’d finally called me by my designation, which effectively turned me into putty.
The smallest part of my brain wondered why he hadn’t until now.
“Please, Alpha. I want your knot in me. Please.”
I think I catch a light chuckle coming from Rafe’s direction, but by the time I try to focus on it, he’s halfway inside me, and I’m bucking and moaning for more.
Like before, it’s not slow or easy.
He crashes our bodies together, and the wet, slapping noises might be embarrassing if it didn’t feel so fucking good. His knot is still banging against my clit, which definitely feels phenomenal.
But I want the delicious stretch and overwhelming sensation of a knot inside me, not teasing my outsides.
“Please,” I say again, but Rafe keeps at it, and I keep taking it because, fuck, it’s good.
I’m about to lose my shit. The pressure of his knot on my clit is gonna lead to a big O. I’m so close to coming, but not at all the way I want to. “Alpha, please.” I’m legit begging for it and not at all ashamed of it.
He tightens his grip on my hips, his thrusts deep and wild and hitting everything so good and…
It happens so fast.
My body tenses like it’s about to come, but instead of building more tightness and clenching into an orgasm, itsucks Rafe’s knot fully inside me.
A roar unlike anything I’ve ever heard from Rafe before rips through the cottage as we finally become one the way we were fucking meant to.
My voice joins his. A scream for all the years magic deprived us of this. For all the stupid shit that got in our way. For everything we should have had.
Tears of relief carve a river down my cheeks, falling to a little puddle on the floor.
It’s all so much.
So much sensation, yes. Like the unrealstretch. The fullness my body had been craving for so long. Rafe’s knot pulses inside me, almost massaging the network of internal nerves whose only job is to make me feel good. His cock has never been so deep inside me before, completely bottomed out. Or his body pressing against mine in ways it never could before, torso flush with my ass cheeks. All of that was more than enough to overwhelm anyone, not just a formerly broken omega.
But beyond the physical sensations…
The years of emotional baggage, of not feeling good enough, pressed in until I thought I would suffocate. Only to give way to a mountain of relief that we have finally done it. Rafe and I are finally together the way we should have been all these years.
But that same relief mixes with the bittersweet sorrow of all the time we should have had together.