For the first time in all the years of knowing him, Rafe looks uncomfortable. His shoulders slope slightly forward and his chin dips. To me, the changes are as clear as a neon sign, but in truth, his posture has only shifted the smallest amount.

However, Rafe’s words come out as smooth and even as always. “Friend, as much as I’d like to help, we have only just met. Flying out to—”

“I realize this is a big ask.”

Jonah leans forward, removing his warm hand previously on my knee to gesture broadly. “Does your pack want to know how other packs are doing things? Do they want change?”

“Does anyone?” Jaxson answers. “Likely not, but my pack is full of good and decent wolves. I think once they hear that forcing alphas to reproduce to keep their position isn’t common practice anymore, they’ll have to reconsider.”

Rafe takes my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

It’s a signal. One we’ve never used but that I instantly pick up on.

“I think we’ll need some time to discuss this,” I say and rise from the sofa. Jaxson follows suit, collecting his gloves and ear muffs as he follows me to the door. “The wolves on the perimeter can tell you where our guest cabins are. You can stay there until we’ve made a decision.” I open the door, and Jaxson doesn’t say another word of rebuttal.

“Thank you, Willa.” He nods toward Rafe and Jonah and walks out into the twilight blue of the early evening.

“I’m just gonna come right out and say it,” Jonah starts. “I don’t think we should be going around to other packs telling them the way they do things is wrong.”

Rafe nods, relaxing into the sofa more than he allowed while our guest was here. “I agree.”

“You know that’s not what he was asking us for, right?” I say and squish myself between my two mates, legs over Jonah’s lap, my back resting against Rafe’s side.

“Seems awfully close,” Rafe grumbles, wrapping an arm around me to pull me onto him so I’m sitting sideways on his lap.

“Why don’t we take the night, sleep on it, and talk it over tomorrow?” Jonah suggests, tugging on my pant leg hard enough to pull my waistband down to my hips.

I stiffen, surprising all three of us.

Jonah lets go of my pant leg. “What’s going on, Will?”

I meet his gaze, clamping my mouth shut so my lower lip doesn’t go wobbly.

Rafe squeezes me tight against him. “You can tell us. What ever it is, Willa.”

How do I even start this?

It’s been weeks of avoiding this exact thing because… because why? I’m too scared to be disappointed?

As stupid as it is for an omega to fear banging her mates… that’s exactly what this is.

“Please don’t laugh,” I whisper.

“We would never,” Jonah says solemnly.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and take a shuddering breath. “Mari took the healer magic from me and…” I pause, and Rafe’s arms slide around my middle even tighter.

He presses his nose to my temple. “You’re worried it’s not enough. That you still won’t be able to take my knot the way you should, without Jonah to ground us?”

I nod, silent tears rimming my eyes as Rafe gives words to my fears.

He presses a small kiss to the shell of my ear and whispers his next words slowly. “I’d be lying if I said the same thought hadn’t crossed my mind.”

I twist in his lap, letting him see the shock on my face. “It has?”

He nods, and Jonah squeezes my calf. “It’s been on my mind, too.”

“Really?” I ask with a squeak.