Page 90 of Monsters' Touch

I waste no words on pleasantries. “When?”

“Now. The queen’s already here.”

“I’m on my way,” I say, with a surprising amount of composure.

This can’t be good if the vampire queen has to be there to tell me.

Before they say anything, Barb and Mal amp up the good feelings they flow to me.

That doesn’t necessarily mean anything, Lils,Mal says, bathing me in joy.

And I have a lightbulb moment.

That’s it! Lils. That could be short for anything. Lillian. Lilibeth. Lilith even.

I’m sorry. You’ve lost me,Barb admits.

I say it out loud so it sticks. “Call me Lils. That’s my new nickname. And no one we meet from here on out ever gets to know what it’s short for. Deal?”

Deal,my demons say in unison, and I drive to the goth townhouse, having discovered a fraction more of myself.

The second before I knock on Claudia’s black door, she opens it, hurrying me to her sitting room where the vampire queen awaits.

“So, I hear you have some news for me?” I say, taking the seat between the two women.

Claudia hands me a cup of tea, but it’s Eden who speaks.

“I have a friend researching some, shall we say, pack problems in Canada.”

“Pack? Like…”

Wolf shifter or werewolf. Could be either,Barb chimes in.

What’s the difference?


But Eden doesn’t continue. Both she and Claudia stare at me before locking eyes with each other.

“They’re with her now.”

Claudia nods. “And she’s quite adept at communicating with them without appearing to do so.”

“Hey, ladies. It’s rude to speak about a person like they aren’t here.”

They both offer quick smiles and move on.

Eden continues. “My friend has come across a population of wolves—several packs, at least—who all have a single human in their packs. That human, always female, serves as a healer to them. Channeling the magic of the land to mend the injured, cure the sick, and birth the new pups.”

Magic healer woman. Sound familiar?

Both demons say it doesn’t.

I nod, hoping this is going to click and give me another lightbulb moment sometime soon. “Go on.”

“According to my friend, the women don’t know they’re healers. They only come into their power when and if an elder healer spots their potential and trains them.”

“OK, I’m following so far, but I don’t see what this has to do with me.”