Page 72 of Monsters' Touch

Well, I need money to eat, and that means I have to be here five days a week.

I catch a flash of anger in her gaze reflected in her screen.

Why am I so distasteful to you?I ask.

Why are you such a bossy, silent edge lord intent on not getting to know me while sharing my head?

I don’t know what all her words mean, but they cut me just as soundly as if she’d used a blade.

My goal is to make this as unobtrusive for you as possible, which I ruined entirely by yelling and arguing with you during our first genuine meeting. But make no mistake, Lily. I’ve wanted nothing more than to know who you are, inside and out, since the day I re-entered your mind and threatened to put that Tad male’s eyes in my martini.

Lily stares at her dim screen, unseeing, but I see her. The perfect curve of her mouth, even as it hangs open in surprise. The passion in her gaze as she takes in what I’ve just said. Even the flush that stretches across her nose as she realizes what my words might mean.

I make certain she knows exactly what I mean.

I broke protocol first, Lily. I saw how that person was treating you and stepped in. I couldn’t help myself, because you are so…I trail off, unable to define for her every reason she’s so extraordinary.

Yeah, yeah. I get it. I’m strong. I’m a strong host. I’m glad you admire the thing about me I have no say in and no control over.

Again, I’ve miscalculated. Underestimated her.

Lily, I’m not fond of you simply because you’re a means to winning the trial for us.

Oh. You’re fond of me? I couldn’t tell with all the yelling.

This is pointless. I cannot tell her anything. I won’t say it right and she won’t hear it.

I do the only thing I can think to make my point, and sink into her mind deeply, letting every emotion I have flood her.

The feelings that rush to her are doused in every sensual thought, every tender word I wish I could say. Brimming with the emotion I don’t dare let out. Except for now.

She sucks in a gasp, gripping the desk.

That is how I feel about you, Lily. No more or less. I’m not good with expressing my feelings, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have them. It doesn’t mean I don’t care for you.

Pull it back! It’s too much. It’s—Lily’s breathing hitches to labored gasps and I disengage partially, slowing the rate she receives the deluge.

I only picked up subtle hints from you before,she says as she gets herself together.I thought you simply didn’t have strong feelings about anything, least of all me.

That couldn’t be further from reality, Lily. I have strong feelings about everything, most especially you. I do not display them because I won’t be a slave to the ups and downs of them. I need to remain level and logical at all times.

Well, that’s good to know,she says and centers her focus on her screen, ending our conversation. But I don’t miss the changes in her body. Her elevated hormones, temperature, and heart rate.

An unintended side effect of loosening the grip on my emotions is that now, Lily is excited. Extremely so. She shifts in her seat uncomfortably for the remaining time left in her shift and runs out of the office without so much as a word to her friend on the other side of the partition.

What did you do to me?she asks as we run to the car.

I showed you what it’s like for me to reside in your mind.

You feel like this all the time?

Not all the time. Only when I’m possessing you.

Lily stares at me in the rearview mirror as she waves her hand in front of her, fanning herself. “I need a shower,” she says aloud, more to herself than to me.

We need to reap, Lily.

No, you need to reap. I need a shower unless you want me snail-trailing all over the soul plane.