Page 60 of Monsters' Touch

We’ll be what now?Typhon, I’m no athlete. I don’t train or go to the gym. I’m not exactly in shape to go running.

And that, my pretty, is where you’re wrong.

It takesall of three minutes for me to pull out of my body all the way and hand the reins over to Typhon.

None of this feels good to me.

Running. Not being able to breathe? No, thank you.

But the moment Typhon has control, my breathing evens out, my strides grow longer and more secure, and even my heart rate decreases.

How is this possible?

Truthfully, I’m surprised you did so poorly. I didn’t realize me being in the lead had such an impact on your body’s stamina.

Should it, though?

I’m uncertain,he says, rounding the corner to the home of our first soul.There are many things about you that don’t make sense. I have answers for none of them.

Great. Well, can’t worry about that now. We’ve got souls to reap.

Our first of the night is a tiny old woman huddled in bed.

Next to her lies a fat, purring cat atop a hand knitted afghan. There are a few pictures on her nightstand of adults with small children, posing and smiling for the camera.

She’s a grandma.I say.


I don’t like this at all.

Typhon senses as much.Her time has come, Lil.

I know that. I do. But this… I glance around at all her knick-knacks, the slippers tucked neatly under the bed, the scandalous novel open next to her.So she’s just going to go in her sleep like this? No family around her, no warning?

Yes, Lily. It is her time,he repeats.

For whatever reason, this one hits me harder than all the rest.She shouldn’t be alone, Typhon. No one should die alone.

She’s sleeping peacefully. She won’t be aware of it.

That’s even worse. She should know! Grandma should be able to say her last goodbyes and make sure she tells off anyone she wants and pets her fat cat who’ll probably eat her face if someone doesn’t find her soon enough.

Lily, what is wrong?

I don’t know.

Typhon positions my head, so the only thing I see is her.Look at her. Really look at this woman. She’s lived a long, happy life. She’s warm in her bed. So many others wish for this.

I know that. Iknowit, but I can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t right. This isn’t how it should be.

The instant her soul glimmers beneath her chest, I take control, throwing Typhon to the far corner of my mind.

I try to shove it back, try to press her energy into her body where it belongs.

Lily! You cannot do this.

I ignore Typhon’s far-off cries and continue trying to put the woman’s soul back in her body.