Page 31 of Monsters' Touch

“You’re back,” she says with a sigh, almost as if…

Was she looking forward to my return?

“And you’re happy to be here, I see,” she says sleepily, reading my infatuation as excitement.

I’m very happy to report that each of my horde mates agreed to your conditions.

“Even the…?”

Even that one.

A heaviness lifts from her mind. “Then we should go now. I don’t want my mom to suffer any longer.”

Suffer? I allow my confusion to seep into her mind as it occurs to me she has misunderstood our abilities.Lily, you know I can’t heal your mother, right?

“What do you mean? That’s the deal, sad boi. You keep my mom from dying by fixing her soul or whatever, and I let you keep tagging along in my head.”

Sad boy. Is that how…Listen carefully, equally sad girl. I cannot heal human ailments. That was never part of the agreement.

“Then what the hell is the agreement?”

Existing within her mind deep enough to converse with her but not deeply enough to use her other senses doesn’t keep me from imagining her expression and stance based on her tone. Lips pursed, hands on hips. She might have even stamped her foot.

No. Probably not any of that.

She’d cross her arms. Yes. That fit.

Lily, we agreed to return your loved one’s soul. Once it expired.

“Once it expired,” she repeats.


“You mean…” She pauses, assimilating the information.

This is one of the reasons we don’t do this. It’s hard for humans to accept fully.

“You mean my mom has to die before you can keep her from dying? What the hell kind of sense does that make?”

It’s the extent of our powers over the soul. We cannot keep one from leaving its host body, but we can put it back once it leaves.

“So let me get this straight. You intend on letting my mom die, catching her soul somehow, and jamming it back in her sick body just so she can die again of the same awful thing that’s killing her now?”

A crashing storm of anger and betrayal surge to life in Lily’s mind. She thinks I tricked her.

No. That is not what I’m saying at all. Putting a soul back in a body is a purifying experience. On a cellular level, everything in your mother will be made new. But I cannot do that without first allowing her soul to leave, if only for a moment.

She takes a moment, processing what I’ve said. “So she’ll be alright? She’ll die, but you’ll bring her back good as new. No cancer?”

Yes.I don’t mention the other effects her mother will likely have.

“OK then. Let’s get the hell out of here. We’ve got a soul to catch.”



“What’s your name?” I ask as I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. But the moment the question leaves my lips, I second-guess myself. Surely if he wanted to tell me his name, he would have by now.