Page 86 of Monsters' Touch

I do the same and in seconds we’re in the between plane.

You know, someone should think of a better name for this place,I muse to Malphas’s mind.


We home in on Lily’s soul. The radiant white star of light is the only soul I’ve ever seen to throw off fire and rainbows, like a cut diamond.

I decide right then to procure one for her. One just as brilliant as she is.

Moments later, Malphas and I are in her mind.

But nothing about this feels like Lily.

Lily?I call into her mind.

Oh no.Malphas says.She’s gone within again.

Within? Like before? What do we do? How do we get her out?

Last time I just talked to her. She had to decide to come out on her own.

So, she can hear us now?

Maybe? I’m not sure exactly.

Lily, it’s Barb and Mal. We’re back with good news.

Great news!Mal added.


Darkness can be somany things. Heavy and suffocating. Evil. Sin and decay and rot.

But here, in the darkness of my own making, there is only the delirious relief of nothingness. I stay wrapped in it, bathed in the sweet void and content to remain.

Until something breaks the nothing. Sullies it with… with, I don’t know…

But it is soon gone and I forget there was anything but nothing…

Until it returns, piercing my cocoon, and this time I know it.

A sound. And for a moment, I want to eject the sound from my nothing, my darkness.

But, the sound is soft and gentle and I allow it to continue.

I stay.

Still and numb.

And the sound that I allowed is no longer only soft and gentle. It is also sad. About what, I do not know nor care.

And so I stay.

Drifting on a blanket of sky, an ocean of naught, I stay…

Another sound, different from the first. It is not soft or gentle.

But happy.