Page 59 of Monsters' Touch

He rings me up, keeping a cautious eye on me the whole time.

“Are you OK?” I finally ask.

“Are you?” he counters.

I shrug. “Is anyone?”

That earns me a smile. “Fair enough. Here ya go.” He hands me the food and I make my way out back to the car.

You handled that well,Typhon says.

Handled what? What was with that guy?

I suspect the last he saw you, he was speaking to Malphas who isn’t exactly the best with humans all the time.

I cringe internally, hoping Malphas didn’t make me look like too much of an ass.

I start the car and Typhon asks the most unexpected question.Do you think I could drive?

Um, can you drive?

I’ve no idea. I’ve never tried before. But I can wield a sword, a battle axe, a mace, and ride a horse, so I doubt driving a car is something I can’t learn.

I grip the wheel tighter, pulling out of the parking space.Heh, well, it’s far more complicated than it seems. We have to go through nearly an entire year of training before we’re allowed to drive alone.

Ah, but I wouldn’t be alone. I’d be with you.

Yeah, nice try. I’ve got enough on my plate without worrying about demon drivers, OK?

Of course.

Again, I only have tone to go on, and without any body language or facial expression, I’m not sure whether Typhon is actually OK with anything I say.

I should bring it up.

Of course I don’t, and I drive back to the condo in silence.

Give me, like, fifteen minutes and I’ll be all set.

Of course. Would you like me to thin our connection for some privacy.

Yes, thank you.

He recedes far enough that I can only barely sense his presence. He’s there just enough to let me know I’m not alone, nothing more.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m fed, dressed in comfy clothes, and ready to reap.

I’m all set, Typhon.

Good. I’d like to start in—Lily, you cannot wear that to reap in.

I glance down at my reversible loungewear and thick, fuzzy socks.Why not? This is what I wore when Malphas and I went.

I don’t plan on exclusively traveling through the soul plane. You need appropriate clothing for a good workout.

Workout?I don’t much like the sound of that.

Yes. We’ll be running to most of our locations.