Page 60 of B Negative

“How do you live like this?”

“Like what?” Sunny asked.

“With such strong senses and knowing every time anyone has a naughty thought or two?”

“You’re forgetting about your shield, Eden,” B said. “You can keep most noses from scenting anything on you.”

“That’s right. How had I forgotten about that.”

“But, in the case a newbie does forget their shield, polite society generally won’t comment on anything personal or private.”

B agreed. “We kind of just collectively agree to ignore it.”

Well, that was good to know. But it made me wonder how any of the vampire fiction I’d read was plausible at all. Humans had many more smells associated with their living bodies than did vampires. Some nights, working at the bar had been an exercise in trying not to smell everything happening in someone’s body. How could a vampire or shifter ever fall in love with a normal, living person?

God, what if they were lactose intolerant?

Or had IBS or something.

Why hadn’t anyone asked the real, important questions here?

I pondered human/vampire relationships for a while longer before I remembered to slide my shield in place and got back to the books.

My attention did not want to be wrangled, however, and soon, I was focused on the fun Julian and I would have tonight. How much better I’d feel being close to him.

How much I was going to enjoy good food.

How easy it was going to be sinking my teeth into his neck and coming while I rode him.

I stopped short, mind tripping over something I hadn’t seen covered in any book yet.

“Oh my god,” I whispered.

“What?” Sunny asked, gazing up from her tome.

“Babies. Where the fuck do vampire babies come from?”