Page 21 of B Negative

“Ready?” he asked.

I nodded, letting the tequila warm my belly and soothe my nerves. I told him everything. Julian dosing me from the beginning, finding out at the incursion and severing the mate bond in front of all in attendance. Sunny dying, rising a child-eater and admitting that she knew what Julian was doing the whole time. I wrapped up telling him how different Cypress City was than I’d imagined. I didn’t go into details, but I made it clear that I didn’t know what to do or who to trust.

“Basically, I don’t know where to go or what my next move should be.”

Jaxson listened, expression neutral. In fact, Jaxson seemed wholly neutral. No makeup, no sparkly neon clothes, no wig.

“Hold on a minute,” I said, before he responded to my trauma dump. “What are you wearing?”

Jaxson held my gaze, drawing out the moment before finally answering. “We all have to grow up and step into our roles, Eden.”

I almost laughed. Almost thought he was joking. The tension at the corners of his mouth told me otherwise. I leaned in, taking his hand in mine. “Jax, you can be you and fulfill your role in the pack. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”

His lips pursed fully. “How seriously do you think the pack will take me as alpha if I show up to a meeting in lashes and a crop top?”

I paused before speaking again, wanting to tread carefully. “Jax, I’m not going to pretend I understand the pressure on you or your pack dynamic or anything. But I want you to consider that the best thing you can do for the people you lead is to do so authentically.”

He let the words settle within him before giving me a single head bob and changing the subject.

“Same goes for you.”

I screwed up my eyebrows at him. “Our situations are hardly similar, Jax.”

“That’s fair, they aren’t. But you are here with me, trying to process the shitstorm you’ve been through the last few days instead of facing it directly. That’s not who you are, Eden. You don’t hide from shit. You don’t run away and not deal. You face it, head on. Every time.”

He was right. That wasn’t who I was. But this situation was different. Even thinking about it now twisted an iron clamp around my chest. I doubted seeing Julian would help that feeling.

“Jax, the thought of seeing Julian, of asking what he was thinking… I—I don’t know if I can handle that.”

Jaxson polished off his marg and stood. “You’ve got two choices, Eden. Deal with your shit. Confront the people who hurt you and try to find a way to move forward. Or, hide from it and let it fester until it makes you old and bitter and wrinkled.”

That earned him a tiny smile.

“Either way, feel free to stay here and mull it over. I’ve got to get out to pack lands and handle some things.”

Before he turned, I took Jaxson’s hand in mine. “Thank you,” I said, giving it a tight squeeze.”

“Anytime, Eden. And when you’ve got your shit sorted, we’re overdue for a brunch and gossip. Boy, do I have some juicy shit from the bar.”

“The second this mess is dealt with, consider it a date.”

“I will. But just know, if you stay here too long, I’ll make you water the plants.” Jaxson winked at me and sashayed out of his studio like the queen he was