Page 14 of B Negative

“Um, Sunny?” I tried to pull away, but she held me fast.

“Eden?” She dragged her nose up the side of my neck.

“You cannot drink from me, Sunny. Drinking from vampires is a huge no-no.”

A small mewl escaped the lips she had pressed against my carotid. “Smells so good though.”

“Sunny! Get your shit together! You can NOT feed from me.” I grabbed a fistful of her copper hair and yanked her away from me. “That shit is bad news. Believe me.”

The haze in her eyes cleared fractionally, replaced with stricken disbelief. “Oh, my god.” Sunny scooted as far away as she could in her weakened state. “Eden, I’m so sorry.” Fat tears rimmed her eyes.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, Sun. I’ve done far worse in the heat of bloodlust.”

She sniffed, dabbed at her eyes, and nodded once.

And just then, a quiet knock drew our gazes to the front entrance.

“Come in!” I bellowed.

Devon sauntered in, sly smile slipping as he took in the picture before him. He rushed to Sunny, picking her up and settling her mouth in the crook of his neck. “There you go, young queen. Feed until you’re sated.”

“Devon, you can’t. You only just fed me. You’ll end up in a coma! I hoped you could get someone here without alerting the whole tower that Sunny had risen.”

Sunny speared me with a questioning glance, lips quivering with the need to feed.

“It’s all right, Ms. Rivers. You know we’re made of stronger stock on thirty-three.”

Sunny needed no more convincing. She threw her head back, swinging it forward again in a beautiful, ferocious arc, plunging her fangs into Devon’s artery so deep, I heard his heart rate jump with the pain. Sunny didn’t care, she couldn’t. The only thing that concerned her was getting as much blood into her mouth as quickly as possible.

I knew the feeling well.

Her fingers stiffened into talons as she clenched Devon closer.

I rose to a crouch, preparing to intervene if Sunny wasn’t able to stop herself.

But to my amazement, instead of pulling away or struggling, Devon curved around her, giving Sunny complete access to his neck. Trusting her completely.

Sunny let out a low groan as more blood flowed into her mouth. But it was the trust Devon had given her which signaled to Sunny to stop.

With a deafening yowl, she pulled away, glancing at me for reassurance.

I settled back on my haunches. “You did great, Sun.”

Her coloring returned to normal, the frenzied cloud in her gaze clearing. She nodded, giving me a small smile as she let go of Devon’s arms. “I feel much better.” She pricked her thumb with a fang and smeared a bit of her own blood on Devon’s mangled neck. “I apologize for being so brutal.”

But the moment the words passed her lips, Sunny’s complexion tinged green and her hands flew to her mouth.

“Oh gods, I’m going to be sick,” she said, and promptly hurled up every bit of Devon’s blood all over the white carpet.