Of course,I’d have to do my due diligence.
I couldn’t just take one man’s word. For all I knew, Titus sent Devon specifically because he was good at selling his city.
And that’s why I headed to the library.
But before I crossed the living space to the front door, a noise came from the back hall.
As if someone’s finger slipped off a doorknob.
I froze in place, but only for a split second, before racing down the hall. I reached for the knob, hand poised over it, when the door slowly opened.
Sunny stood in the threshold looking as radiant as ever.
“Holy shit! Why the hell are you awake?” My voice went a little screechy as I searched Sunny’s form for any trace of the horrific accident.
But Sunny was as whole as ever.
And that was not good.
I’d had zero time to figure out how to get her out of here.
Sunny, still in her incursion dress, swayed slightly. “Blood, Eden,” she croaked.
“Shit, of course,” I said and blurred to the phone to get someone from thirty-three.
Hand hovering over the receiver, I paused. If I called Sherrie for blood, she’d have to tell Titus. But if I could keep him from knowing as long as possible, I might still figure a way out of this.
I pulled Devon’s card from my pocket.
He picked up just before the first ring. “I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon, Eden.”
“You have to get back here right now,” I whispered into the phone, like Titus might hear me.
He didn’t ask a single question. “I’m turning around now,” he said and ended the call.
Sunny stood propped against the doorframe, head pressed against her forearm.
“Come on, Sun,” I said, wrapping an arm around her middle. “Let’s get you to the living room.”
Wordless, Sunny let me guide her through the mate suite.
We didn’t make it to the sofa. Sunny wobbled and plopped right on her ass in the middle of the room and I plopped right down with her.
“It’s OK, blood’s on the way.”
She nodded, gaze unfocused, lips nearly as pale as her skin and black veins sprinting up at her temples.
She leaned into me, forehead resting on my shoulder.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t have any here for you. I thought you’d be down for two more days.”
Sunny let out a long sigh. “My family is one of the oldest lines of vampires remaining. We all rise quickly. I should have told you. I just… I thought I had more time.”
I stroked her hair. “I’m so sorry this happened the way it did, Sun.” She shuddered against me. “It’s coming, I promise.”
Sunny’s grip tightened around my waist as she adjusted her position and buried her face in my neck.