And then I saw the other side of the ward.
It took me a good second or two to realize I’d crossed it before I blurred off to that eyesore of a tower. Moments later, I entered the vestibule of Titus Tower.
No one said a word to me.
Not a single vampire even looked in my direction.
They all kept their eyes down. Probably their best move.
I punched the button for the elevator, entered, and couldn’t help but laugh at the vampires who ran out of the car.
An alpha vampire in the midst of an all-out feral hunt for his mate wasn’t something I’d get in the way of either.
Eden was the only thing that mattered. Seeing her safe and making that monster suffer for luring her here were the only things I focused on as the doors opened to the penthouse suite.
Four guards stood at attention, waiting for me.
“Stand down,” I commanded, voice lower than I’d ever heard it. “I’m here for my mate. My quarrel isn’t with you.”
The guards didn’t move.
Not away, but not into an attack position, either.
I could have beheaded them all in seconds. I restrained myself and simply blurred by them faster than they could react.
Eden’s scent was everywhere, making it hard to pinpoint exactly where she was, so to make sure I didn’t miss her, I busted down every door I passed. Locked or not.
Door after door splintered and cracked, and still no Eden.
Julian! I’m safe! Please stop. You’re scaring me.
I stopped dead, frozen. Eden? How are you in my head?
It doesn’t matter. I just need you to calm down.
Can’t. You’re in danger.
Julian, we’re connected. I’m getting every bit of crazy alpha protectiveness, and it’s too much. I can’t handle it. Please, try to calm down.
A new spark of rage flared within me. I’ll calm down when I know you’re safe.
OK, fine, but stop busting down doors. I’m in his office.
I blurred down the hall and kicked in the door to Titus’s office.
The sight before me almost put me to my knees.
I ran to her as she lay gasping on the carpet. “Oh God, Eden. I’m so sorry.” I picked her up, cradling her in my arms, and relief flooding my system. Muscles stopped twitching, heart rate slowed, and the red haze slowly drifted away.
I rose, pressing her close as I set my gaze on the man responsible for this.
“You don’t summon my mate, Titus.”
He didn’t say a word but gave me the satisfaction of a nearly imperceptible bow. I’m getting you out of here, Eden. I’m not risking him finding out you’re made, no matter what.
Eden pulled her head away from my chest and ensnared my gaze in those depthless sapphire eyes of hers. I wondered if she knew I’d drape her in sapphires every day for the rest of her life if she wanted it.
She smiled, that big, luminous smile that made me smile along with it. I do know, Julian. But there’s no need to rush off. Titus already knows.
Blood rushed from my head into my muscles, preparing me to fight or run. Whichever would serve Eden best. “You know?”
Titus gave me that shit-eating grin he’d been serving for centuries. “Since the moment she severed the mate bond with you.”
“And you didn’t act on it?”
Titus shrugged. “She makes a good vampire.”