Titus and Sunny just stared at me.
“Um, Eden, what’s going on?” Sunny asked as I felt like my blood boiled in my veins.
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m being cooked alive.”
“Ms. Vaughn, get a hold of yourself,” Titus said as he blurred from behind his desk and snatched Sunny away from me.
“What do you mean?” So hot, woozy, thoughts coming slower.
“Eden, you’re leaking dominance everywhere, and your eyes are all black. What the hell is going on?” Sunny said from behind Titus, who’d tucked her in the far corner of the office.
“Well I’m not doing it on purpose. I’m just so fucking hot! Can one of you get me some water?”
Titus blurred to the bar and was back in front of Sunny so fast that I almost didn’t register it until a bottle of water was flying toward my head. I snatched it from the air and downed the whole thing.
Sunny peeked out from behind Titus’s shoulder. “Any better?”
I shook my head. It did nothing to cool my scorched insides.
“Pull it back within,” Titus said.
“I’m trying. But I didn’t let it out. I have no control over this.”
“Oh no,” Titus whispered.
“What? What is it?
“What’s happening to Eden?”
But I knew before he answered. I knew it the moment an emotion I didn’t feel overwhelmed me. “Oh, fuck. I don’t know how, but Julian knows”
“How do you—?” Sunny words cut off as she realized exactly what was happening. “Oh, shit.”
I sank to all fours as boiling hot rage filled me. Protective, all consuming, and blinding need to keep me safe was Julian’s only focus. “Guess we fixed our relationship enough that I finally unlocked that last mate ability.”
“You’re hearing his thoughts?” Titus asked.
I shook my head. “Well, I might if he weren’t consumed with the need to find and protect me. It’s kind of nice, actually, if it weren’t so goddamn hot. How do I turn it off?”
“That’s something you’re going to have to figure out over time.”
“Over time? Titus, he’s frying me like an egg. How does he even know? I’ve hardly been gone an hour.”
“He likely read the parchment,” Titus said flatly.
“Jesus, what did you put on his version?”
“The letter was not spelled. I only said it was, hoping you would leave it out for him to find.”
Dick hole!
“If my rival’s mind has just been ravaged with the thought that his mate is in danger, he’s less likely to be very clear-minded for the negotiations. I wanted to balance the scale, temper his distrust of me with the thought of losing you.”
“You’re an asshole, Titus. I could have gotten through—” I froze, a single thought punching through the waves of heat and blinding need.
Kill him.