Page 88 of B Negative


I leftTitus’s office in a daze. That had not gone how I’d planned in the least.

His assessment of my motives was accurate, however shocking it was to discover that he’d known more about me than I had.

I made it back to the mate suite on autopilot.

“Hey, Eden. We didn’t expect you back until tomorrow,” B said from the sofa.

“Oh, hey, you don’t look right. Are you OK?” Sherrie asked.

“I don’t think so,” I said and entered the bedroom.

“Hey, Eden, how’d you get back—whoa, what’s wrong?” Sunny stood from her place at the dinette, grabbing both my hands. “Eden? Eden, what happened?”

I sunk into the cloud chair, trying to wrap my head around everything Titus told me.

“Do you need to feed? Should I call Devon?”

I waved her suggestion away and took a breath.

“I’m all right, Sun,” I lied.

“Babe, you do not look all right.”

“It’s fine.” I dredged up a small smile and forced my face back to normal. “I’m sure you don’t want to know the details, but Julian and I—”

“Yup, you’re right. No details, thank you.” Sunny returned to the dinette and went back to her book.

I joined her, pulling open the book I’d left dog-eared, and pretended to scan the pages. I couldn’t think about anything right then except what Titus had admitted.

He was not good.

And Sunny was mated to him.

“Hey, Sun?”


“If you don’t mind me asking, what stage of the bonding process are you at?”

The tip of Sunny’s nose blushed, and she hid her gaze in the pages of the book in front of her.

“Sunny?” I was going to chew right through my cheek.

“We, um—” She let out a nervous little laugh, face entirely red, as she pulled down the collar of her dress.

An angry red bite marred her collarbone and my stomach dropped to my toes. “Look, Sun, we can still get you out of this. You don’t have to—”

She glanced up, confusion in her gaze, before her features shifted to anger. “He is my mate, Eden. What don’t you get about that?”


“No. Listen to me, because this is the last time I’m saying this.” Sunny eyes flashed with fiery anger. “Titus is my mate. You need to accept that.”

“It’s just that—”

“Look, Eden, just because you were capable of destroying your mate by breaking the bond doesn’t mean I should be. I’ve accepted him, OK? Now I need you to move on.”