Page 73 of B Negative


Sunny was nothappy about leaving her dress and heels in the brush.

But that paled in comparison to how annoyed she was when I told her she had to catch a woodland creature and bring it with her.

She did it, though. And both B and I were impressed that she didn’t come back with a squirrel or rabbit.


Sunny came strutting out of the woods with a twelve-point buck slung across her shoulders.

“Fuck, Sun. That’s bigger than my doe,” B said.

It was definitely bigger than the fox I’d caught, but this wasn’t about comparing dicks.

“They’ll feed the pack for at least a week,” I said, stripping out of my jeans.

“And why are we doing this exactly?” Sunny asked.

“It’s a peace offering and a sign that we understand and respect their ways.”

“Eyes ahead, ladies. These bits are only Sherrie’s now.” B pulled down his jeans, giving both Sunny and me a perfect view of his perfectly round ass.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I said and pushed past him to lead. “Jaxson?” I called as I approached the spot I’d leveled Tim. “Are you here?”

“We brought dinner,” B yelled, all too happy to be naked and in the woods.

Scott stepped from behind the thick cover of a massive pile of thickets. Like us, he was fully nude. “Hey. You’ve brought friends, I see.”

“Scott, these are my friends Sunny and B—I mean Rory.”

“Nice to meet you both. You guys are just in time. I’ll show you where to put your kills and then we can head over to the ceremony.”


Sunny and I shot each other a questioning glance and followed Scott. I did my best to keep my gaze focused just over Scott’s shoulder. But come on, a girl can only resist shifter butt for so long, amirite?

Scott led us to the same clearing. Except, this time, the whole pack was there too. All naked or in wolf form.

All seated in neat rows divided down the center by an aisle. Sort of like—

“A wedding?!” Sunny went a little screechy. “Who’s getting married?”

“I am,” Jaxson said, approaching from the direction of his cabin.

My brain simply did not want to compute what he just said. “What did you say?” I asked, voice thin and far away.

Jaxson, naked as the day he was born, strode closer, an inscrutable look on his face. “I said, you’re here for my wedding.”

I wanted to be a supportive friend. I truly fucking did. Jump up and down and clap and tell him how happy I was, regardless of how ridiculous my tits might look doing so.

But I wanted more to make sure Jaxson wasn’t getting himself into something he’d come to regret.

“Uh—” I stalled, struggling for what to say, how to say it. “Can I talk to you a sec?”

Jax nodded, a flash of relief coming over him for a split second as we headed to a more secluded spot in the clearing.

“Hooker, you better tell me what the fuck is going on right now,” I said in my best impersonation of, well, him.