She smirked at me. “Hi, Eden. Looks like you’ve moved up from hand-me-downs and free lunches, huh?”
All those new pathways I’d made in my brain about being a good queen and wanting to be the best mate I could be?
Yeah, they flew out the window.
I hissed at her, fangs dropping, as I forced myself not to take the lowest shot at her I could. Because, if I called her a blood bag or a feeding tube or a walking meal, I’d be insulting not just her, but Devon and Ishta and all the people who made the Cypress City system work.
I didn’t want to do that.
No, I needed a finer point on my weapon. One that would only offend her.
“Still making people feel like shit for things out of their control, I see. At least one of us has moved on with their life.” I only kept eye contact long enough to watch my jab hit home before turning to Devon. “Would you mind sending Cecily back to thirty-three? Have another donor take her place, please.”
Devon shot Cecily a glare before jerking his chin toward the door. “I apologize for her behavior, Eden. She traded spots to come next. I thought she was excited to serve Laurel Covers, as I was. I didn’t realize you two had history.”
“Apology accepted. And I’m certain that if you had known, you wouldn’t have brought her. Let’s just get B a new donor and forget about Cecily, shall we?”
“Agreed,” Sunny chimed in.
We waited, uncomfortable, hungry, and silent, for B’s donor to come. I caught myself staring at Devon’s neck more than once.
The third time, he caught me, and the smile in his eyes sent my heart racing. He wanted to do this. Wanted me to feed from him.
It was a far better system than we had.
My pocket buzzed. I pulled out my phone to find a message from Julian. Not a text. A voice message.
I’d have to listen to that later. No way was I going to have his voice, recorded or not, doing things to my body just as I was about to feed.
Who knew what kind of fuckery that might cause.
The moment a new donor arrived, Devon didn’t wait to make introductions. He took me by the wrist and led me to Sunny’s bedroom.
“You’re ready,” he said softly, pulling the door closed behind himself. He caught me watching him close the door. “I thought you might not want to have an audience for this.”
He was right. I didn’t.
I stared at the faint pulse flickering in Devon’s neck.
Was I?
“You can’t blame yourself for the circumstances that led to your bloodlust, Eden. You did the best you could. And now, we’re moving past that part of your life, OK?”
I nodded.
Devon stepped closer, and I backed up on instinct.
“Remember, you can’t hurt me, Eden. I’ll chuck you out of the building before that happens.”
I let out a breath, nodded, and stepped close enough to pull Devon close.
“Promise you’ll throw me right out the window if I can’t control myself?”
Devon nodded. “I promise,” he said.
My fangs were already down when I reached for him.