“Sun, you’ve slept a lot.” I said.
She grumbled, pulling the cover over her head. “What time is it?”
“It’s past eleven.”
“What!” She jolted to a seated position. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I shrugged. “You told me sleeping was a part of the mate bond thingy. I wanted to let you have as much as you needed.”
Sunny hopped out of bed and streaked to the bathroom, nearly hip checking Sherrie along the way. “Well, that was very nice of you, but I have meetings this morning. The designer will be here in a half an hour,” she said from behind the bathroom door.
“Sorry,” I offered.
Sherrie and I exchanged “oopsie” glances, and she went back to the front room where I heard B rumbling about it being too early as well.
“No, no, Sunny’s already in that one. Use the powder room off the entryway.”
I heard every one of B’s morning ablutions and other things from the bedroom. For as nice as Titus Tower was, I guessed the mate suite just wasn’t made to house more than one person at a time. I did not want to know exactly how strong B’s pee stream was.
I put my nose back in my book, but the moment I did, Sunny was out of the shower and ordering me about. “Can you help put the suite back together?” She pointed to the extra linens on the cloud chair and I nodded.
“Do you want the dinette back where it goes?”
“Yes, but just so no one asks weird questions.”
I put the room back together while Sunny put the finishing touches on her look.