Page 36 of B Negative

I sighed but obliged, and once we were both situated and buckled in together, I asked the real question. “Why is B coming with us to your mate’s tower? Your mate who has a penchant for killing made vampires?”

“Well, the way I see it,” B started, “I’m the perfect distraction. I’ll be there as your personal security detail, something all high-ranking vampires should have when in another vampire’s lair.”

“OK, but what if he figures out you’re made?”

“Then I’ll be protected by the fact that I’m there at your behest. Plus, if Titus is worried about me being made, then he’s not worried about you being made, now is he?”

“You’ve got a point.”

Sunny took a hard turn onto the highway and my back smooshed against, well, all of B. I did not need to know how muscular the man was.

“Don’t worry, Eden,” B said as he held me firm against him so I’d stop sliding around. “We’ll get this sorted.”

I hoped so. I really did.