Page 107 of B Negative

“Write it on the calendar, why don’t you? Oh, or tell Daniel, and he’ll put it on my daily schedule.” Julian paused, brows pulling together. “Oh, I should rehire him,” he murmured.

“You fired Daniel?”

“He gave you the note that led you to Titus’s trap.”

I eyed him.

“I know, I know.” Julian put a hand up like a white flag. “He was doing his job, and I overreacted. I’ll call him later.”


“Now, what were we talking about?”

“You were pouting about me agreeing to have sex with you.”

“Ah, yes. You see, I’ve discovered that our version of foreplay, well, it just does it for me.”

“Ooooh. I see. You want to fight a little.”

Julian nodded.

“Well, I wasn’t agreeing to vanilla sex, Julian.”

He grinned at me, and I finished up my texts. I jumped right on top of him, pinning him in place and knocking the wind out of him. Once he’d recovered, he grabbed my hips and reversed our positions. He stared down at me, eyes alight with glee and passion.

“Where to begin?” he whispered.

I’d named the group chat Boss-ass Bitches, which admittedly was a little cringey, however appropriate. Sunny had taken care of things on her side of the river, inviting all the necessary people to our first ever Boss-ass Bitch meeting.

I sat in the cafe in the next town over, awaiting the last of our guests to arrive. So far, everyone from Laurel Cove showed including, Claudia, Nikita, Jaxson, and Dominique from the third wolf pack. A representative from each supernatural group was also present from Cypress City. Sunny, the seven alphas from the packs that surrounded the city, and twelve coven leaders. Currently, we waited on the thirteenth and final member.

Sunny and I shared a glance while the wolves and witches steered well clear of each other, casting disdainful glances at each other across the table.

“Why have you summoned us to this stinky little wharf town?” one of the Cypress City witches complained, showing off her double rows of teeth. Long curling brown hair shifted over her shoulder as she leaned forward, exposing the tendrils she’d tied stones and tiny bottles of who-knew-what into. To her credit, the small fisherman’s wharf didn’t smell that great. It was, however, entirely supe free, and that meant it was the only neutral ground for all of us.

“As soon as the last representative arrives, we’ll begin,” Sunny said with her affable but somehow also take-no-shit tone.

We had the entire cafe to ourselves since Sunny had bought the place out for the day. I didn’t bother asking how much it cost her, but it couldn’t have been much.

The door chime jangled as another witch hurried in, apologizing with each step. “Sorry, sorry. I know. I got caught up on the bridge,” she said, adjusting the wide-brimmed black hat she wore. She seated herself and gave Sunny and me, standing at the head of the table, a toothy grin.

I didn’t think I was going to get over those strange, shark-like teeth any time soon.

Sunny looped her arm in mine and began. “As the new mates of the vampires who control your cities, we felt it only right that we introduce ourselves to the leaders of each of the supernaturals living in our communities. My name is Sunsiray Rivers from the clan Rivers and I am mated to Titus, King of Cypress City.”

“And I’m Eden Vaughn, made vampire and mated to Julian, King of Laurel Cove.”

A wolf from Cypress City rolled his eyes. “We don’t really care who you are or what clan you say you come from. Just tell us what new changes your enacting, and we’ll all be on our way,”

“Well, that’s exactly why we’re here,” I started.

“Change is long overdue,” Sunny finished.

Not a single wolf or witch moved or acknowledged that they’d heard us, let alone wanted to hear more.

I wouldn’t have either. At least, not until I’d heard what we had to offer.

I continued. “You have all been in the center of a centuries-long turf war that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Sunny and I think that needs to change.”