Page 98 of B Positive

But I’d seen all that before and quickly moved on to more exciting parts. “Take off your pants,” I demanded, lifting myself off his hips just enough for him to get the job done.

Julian obliged, with lightning speed, no less.

My mouth actually watered at the sight of him. No man had ever had that effect on me. In fact, I tried hard never to actually look at my previous partner’s peens.

“You keep looking at me like that without doing anything and I might have to take matters into my own hands, Eden.”

Uh-uh, fuck that shit.I scooted down, grabbed a handful of kingly cock, and put as much in my mouth as I could.

My eyes closed in pleasure at the salty taste, and the rumbling groans my swirling tongue drew from Julian.

His hands threaded in my hair and well before I was done having fun, he pulled me off him with a ridiculouspop.

“Mate, I have no intentions of finishing in your mouth our first time together.”

I wiped my mouth, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Are you saying you’re only good for one ride, Julian?”

I didn’t even see his expression change before he was on top of me, his hips pinning mine, hands gripping both my wrists above my head.

How the fuck had that happened?

“I think you and I both know I’m good for far more than one ride, Eden.” In one motion he’d hitched my right leg around his hip and slid his delicious cock into me.

A gasp caught in my throat as I stretched wide to accommodate his girth. But the moment I was capable of sound, one of the embarrassing ones found its way out. A groaning, croaking, moaning gurgle as Julian slowly eased his entire length in.

I struggled to catch my breath, to hold a thought in my head as pleasure ripped through my body.

Fuck, why had we ever waited to do this? Why did we do anything but this?

Julian’s quiet chuckle reached my ears as he thrust into me again.

And another one of those crazy noises happened.

Julian let go of my wrists and balanced on his knees, bringing my hips closer. I groaned as he pushed my legs farther apart, eyes rolling all the way back to my brain.

“This is what you wanted to see, Eden. Go ahead and watch me fuck you until you see God.”

I pried my eyes open and did just that.

Julian’s cock sliding in and out of me had to be the most erotic thing I’d ever seen in my whole damn life. No porn could ever compare. Ever.

“I’m glad you think so,” he said and used his index finger and thumb to spread me open wider while his middle finger swirled and flicked at Ms. Bean.

The sounds that came out of me…

I rocked and thrashed and contorted like a possessed, wild thing, not caring one bit that I looked ridiculous.

“You look rapturous. And my ego enjoys watching you go wild from the things I do to your body.”

I closed my eyes and exploded into a thousand shards of light, a million twinkling stars. I saw God and Lucifer and his brother Michael too.

Sheets ripped under my nails, the walls shook with my screams, and Julian kept his steady, unyielding rhythm until I was all limp and wobbly beneath him.

I had no idea how much time passed, but at some point, feeling returned to my extremities and my brain put itself back in my skull just in time to see Julian grinning down at me like he was a sex god.

“I mean, aren’t I, though?”

I got my wits about me, moved my legs under me, and reversed our positions. “If you are, then I am, right?” I said as I slowly lowered myself onto his cock.