Page 89 of B Positive

“Will B have men in my studio, just in case?”

Sunny nodded. “It’s likely they are already there so as not to draw too much attention on the night of the incursion.”

Right.Well, that made sense, but I wasn’t so sure I liked the idea of having strange security dudes in my studio.

“You look worried,” Sunny commented, wiping a crumb off her black skirt.

“Not worried. I just don’t like the thought of gross security guys going through my underwear drawer.”

Sunny looked absolutely appalled. “Eden, our security teams are well-trained and respected members of King Julian’s guard. They would never disrespect you in such a way.”

“You sure?”

“Yes! Girl, what kind of men have you been hanging around?”

I chuckled at her surprise. “The wrong kind, apparently.”


Just like Sunday,Monday sped by. And that had me thinking that maybe I’d get lucky and the rest of the week would go by just as fast. I was absolutelydyingto feel Julian inside me, but that didn’t mean I wanted the incursion coming sooner just to get in Julian’s pants sooner. I had to be ready. Had to make sure all my powers were under my control.

I blew through the remaining safes and started at the beginning of the first row again when B came lumbering down the steps.

I glanced in his noisy direction. “What’s with you?” I griped.

“I’m too tired to keep quiet. Let’s get today’s practice over with so I can hit the hay.”

I stood, meeting his crotchety mood with my own. “Well, if I’m such an inconvenience, why don’t we go ahead and skip today?”

B gave me a hurt look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound that way. You’re not an inconvenience, Eden. I’m just really tired. Can we skip today?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. I’m cranky too.”

BDD nodded. “You should still practice holding the cloak in place. I’ll expect you to be twice as good tomorrow, okay?”

I imitated a salute. “Roger that,” I said and BDD clanged back up the metal steps.

I continued speed-cracking through the ones I was familiar with until the evening. I got so lost in it, I didn’t notice it was nearly nine p.m.

No text from Julian or Sunny about dinner.

I shot a quick text to both to make sure they were okay and headed upstairs.

Sorry, mate. Both Sunny and I are tied up with the witches. Seems some of them don’t like using so much magic for vampires. You should eat without us. There’s a cup of blood for you in the fridge.

I didn’t bother responding.

I hadn’t realized how much I was looking forward to seeing him until the option was taken from me.

I made my way upstairs, crammed some food in my mouth, sucked down the cup of blood without warming it, and stormed upstairs to bed.

Tuesday, when my eyes opened, my mood was greatly improved.

Julian wouldn’t skip two days in a row. We had to get the mark out of the way so that meant I had to see him, which meant maybe I wouldn’t go to bed grumpy.

Sunny and I didn’t bother with breakfast, as she texted to say she was already busy with prepping for the caterers. Instead, I took a blood cup from the fridge and apple from the counter and headed to the basement by myself.

Sunny begged off from lunch too. Apparently there was some mishap somewhere that she had to take care of. I didn’t mind. I got my own blood, made myself a sandwich, and took it all back downstairs, just like breakfast.