Page 67 of B Positive

Yes, of course Julian could feed from me. Hadn’t he already? What stage of the bonding process was this, anyway?

Before I could linger on those thoughts, Julian’s fangs sunk into my neck and I freaked the fuck out.

“Whoa, whoa, wait a sec! Hold on!”

To my utter astonishment, Julian disengaged quickly, wiped off my neck, and locked a hard but curious gaze at me. No trace of those scary-ass fangs to be seen. “Something wrong, love?” Amusement and annoyance both played on his features.

“I…um. It’s just—I was worried about those saber cat fangs of yours and didn’t want to end up without a jugular or something.”

“Ah, that.” Julian lifted his top lip and allowed his normal sized fangs to descend. “I thought I demonstrated the last time I took your blood, but I’m happy to spell it out. I control how long and scary they are, Eden. And I would never put you or that exquisite neck of yours in harm’s way.”

Oh. Right.Now I remembered. He’d only had regular-sized fangs when he’d fed from my wrist before. “Well, now I just feel silly.”

Julian let out a gruff laugh which pressed his, well, hiseverythingagainst me even more.

“Care to pick up where you left off?” I purred.

He didn’t need to be asked twice. Julian trailed the blade of his tongue up my neck once more and sank into me.

This time, I relaxed into it and let the venom do its fucking job.

Tingly warmth rippled out from where Julian greedily sucked and all I could do was ride it to ecstasy.

I wriggled against the wall as the pleasure took hold of me, cradling the back of his neck and head to push him further into my neck.

His free hand slid under the waistband of my jeans, taking a firm hold of the fabric as he ripped them off of me and tossed them behind him.

Another moan tore from me at the raw strength of his display.

If I wasn’t already soaked…

That would have done it.

His drinking slowed until he only lapped at the drops of blood that made their way to the surface. Julian’s fist tightened in my hair as his hand skimmed down my stomach and across the top of my underwear to cradle my love cave.

A guttural rumble rattled against my neck once Julian discovered how wet I was. He gripped my whole pussy and smooshed everything around and if it hadn’t felt so good, I might have thought he didn’t know what he was doing.

Juliandefinitelyknew what he was doing.

He nosed his way up my neck until his lips brushed the outside of my ear. “I fucking love how wet I make you.”

I moaned beneath him, raking my nails across his back until his shirt ripped. I took that as my cue to shred the shirt until it hung in ribbons from his arms and I had free rein over that smooth expanse of solid muscle.

“Did I say you could ruin another one of my shirts?” His gruff whisper sent a shiver right through me. But as punishment, he stopped smooshing me.

I snatched his hand by the wrist and put it right back. “I don’t recall asking,” I murmured and ground myself against him.

His rough laugh danced up my spine and he went to work right where he’d left off.

I rocked against him, getting closer but also tired of the high school shit. I hooked a finger in his belt and snapped the leather free. But before I could get to the trousers, Julian stopped me.

He pulled back, staring deep into my eyes. “We can’t go too far, Eden. Not yet.”

“Why not?” I groaned, and not in the sexy way.

“If we want the bond to set properly, we have to do things in a certain order.” His hand kept working me and making my thoughts disconnected, but I was certain Sunny had explained it to me.

“So, I can’t fuck you until I drink your blood, is that it? Because Sunny said it was smell, blood exchange, mark, then sex with blood, and since I haven’t had your blood, yet, is that what’s holding this up?”Let’s get this fucking pony to the races.